Rules for the Use of Technology for Remote Hearings of the Twelfth Judicial District

Rules for the Use of Technology for Remote Hearings of the Twelfth Judicial District

   At the discretion of the County Judge presiding over the matter, the 12th Judicial District County Court Courts have determined that, through the use of available technology, including telephone and cloud-based applications such as ZOOM and WebEx, certain types of hearings lend themselves to the use of such technology in the efficient and expeditious operations of the courts. Therefore, the County Court judges adopt the following Local Rule to govern the use of such technology.

   1. The Court, counsel, and litigants are expected to conform to all applicable state statutes regarding such usage.

   2. Counsel are expected to have the appropriate application (i.e., ZOOM or WebEx) available to them on a cellular device or computer or similar device to access the technology.

   3. Counsel are expected to forward any links or other connection information to litigants who are anticipated to participate by such technology and to ensure that such litigants have the applicable application on some type of device that will permit them to so participate.

   4. In general, the Clerk Magistrate’s office for the county will email the invites for hearings by WebEx or Zoom, or the meeting ID if by Zoom, for hearings on the court day before the hearing or the day of the hearing. However, judges are allowed to use a different procedure. Please check with the appropriate court’s Clerk Magistrate’s office if you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter.

   5. Any party objecting to a witness appearing by videoconference must file an objection no later than three (3) weeks prior to the appearance, with a hearing for the same to be heard no less than (1) week prior to the appearance.

   6.Attached hereto is Appendix A which outlines hearing rules for the use of such technology in civil, juvenile, small claims, and probate proceedings.

   7. Attached hereto is Appendix B which outlines hearing rules for the use of such technology in criminal and traffic proceedings.

Approved October 26, 2022.
