20. New Position Provisional Period
20. New Position Provisional PeriodIn the case of personnel actions (promotion, lateral move or move to a lower position) employees may be required to serve a new position provisional period and must be informed of this in writing. (Note -- this is not another original provisional period.) This provisional period in no way affects the grievance rights of an employee. The length of the provisional period is at the supervisor's discretion, but shall not exceed six months, beginning on the date the employee begins work in the new position.
If an employee cannot, or does not, perform satisfactorily in the new position, with Court or Probation Administrator approval the supervisor may transfer the employee to another position of either the same salary grade or a lower salary grade. If no other position is available for transfer, the supervisor may reassign the duties of the employee, reclassify the employee to a classification of a lower salary grade or terminate the employee.
The supervisor shall not be required to utilize the disciplinary process to revert an employee back to the employee's former position, or a vacant position equivalent to the former position's salary grade or to reclassify to a lower salary grade. If termination becomes necessary, the supervisor shall utilize the disciplinary process outlined in this set of rules. The supervisor shall document efforts to provide the promoted employee with performance improvement counseling when utilizing this provision.
Amended July 9, 2015.