31. Official Leave of Absence

31. Official Leave of Absence

   The State Court Administrator or State Probation Administrator may grant employees a single continuous unpaid leave of absence, not to exceed 1 year (except for military service and some workers' compensation cases), when such absences will not interfere with the best interest of the courts. Under unusual circumstances, this time may be extended by the State Court Administrator or State Probation Administrator. Written requests for leaves of absence will be considered after consultation with the employee's supervisor, for such things as temporary disabilities or educational purposes related to the employee's work and benefitting the Nebraska Court System. The leave of absence, when granted, shall be in writing and detail the employment conditions that will be in effect at the end of the absence. Vacation leave shall not be required to be exhausted prior to such requests. If the leave of absence is greater than 14 calendar days, health insurance coverage ends on the last day of the month following the 15th day. Denial of a request for Leave of Absence is nongrievable.

Amended July 16, 2003; amended July 9, 2015.
