III. Acceptable Use:

III. Acceptable Use:

   Use of judicial branch equipment and networks shall be prioritized for professional communications and handling of work-related business. Employees can use the equipment for personal use "within reasonable limits," which means it cannot result in loss of work productivity, interfere with official duties or result in additional expense. End users should not have any expectations of privacy regarding personal business conducted on equipment or networks provided through the judicial branch unless protected by state or federal law. All use is subject to applicable state and federal laws and regulations, such as public record laws of the State of Nebraska as well as Supreme Court rules. Routine monitoring of individual end users will not occur however NSC-IT will perform some routine monitoring of overall use of equipment or networks. In the event of reported or suspected violation of this policy, the State Court Administrator, the State Probation Administrator, or their designee may authorize monitoring of usage by a person subject to this policy, including Internet access and e-mail transmission, to be conducted by State of Nebraska Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) or an applicable service provider. Unacceptable uses of judicial branch equipment and networks include, but are not limited to, violation of the privacy of other users and their data; malicious or disruptive use; unsolicited advertising, fund-raising or other for-profit activities; misrepresentation of the judicial branch; and use of unauthorized software or hardware in violation of license agreements. See also: NITC 7-101: Acceptable Use Policy State Data Communication Network.
