§ 6-708. Certified Deaf Interpreter and certified Sign Language interpreter requirements.

§ 6-708. Certified Deaf Interpreter and certified Sign Language interpreter requirements.

   (A) An interpreter will qualify as a Certified Deaf Interpreter or certified Sign Language interpreter upon establishing to the satisfaction of the State Court Administrator that the individual has:

  (1) A license as required by Neb. Rev. Stat. § 20-150 et seq. and possesses one or more of the certifications awarded by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID), Certified Deaf Interpreter Certification (CDI), Conditional Legal Interpreting Permit-Relay (CLIP-R), Specialist Certificate Legal (SC:L), National Interpreter Certification – Master (NIC Master), National Interpreter Certification – Advanced (NIC Advanced), National Interpreter Certification (NIC), Certificate of Interpretation (CI), Certificate of Transliteration (CT), Comprehensive Skills Certificate (CSC), or National Association of the Deaf – V (NAD-V); and

  (2) Had no past felony convictions or pending felony criminal charges. In addition, in the preceding 5 years had no misdemeanor convictions or pending charges manifesting a significant deficiency in honesty, trustworthiness, diligence, or reliability. Disposition of misdemeanor charges manifesting a significant deficiency in honesty, trustworthiness, diligence, or reliability less than 5 years in the past other than by acquittal or dismissal (e.g., pretrial diversion) may be the basis for denial of certified interpreter status. Disposition of any felony charges less than 5 years in the past other than by acquittal or dismissal (e.g., pretrial diversion) shall be the basis for denial of certification or removal from the statewide register of interpreters. Disposition of misdemeanor charges manifesting a significant deficiency in honesty, trustworthiness, diligence, or reliability less than 5 years in the past other than by acquittal or dismissal (e.g., pretrial diversion) may be the basis for denial of participation within the certified program or removal from the statewide register of interpreters;

  (3) To maintain certified status, a Certified Deaf Interpreter or certified Sign Language interpreter must comply with continuing education requirements as outlined in § 6-710. Failure to complete continuing education requirements shall be grounds for removal of the interpreter’s name from the statewide register of interpreters.

§ 6-708 adopted June 12, 2024.
