§ 3-112. Essential eligibility requirements for practice of law.
§ 3-112. Essential eligibility requirements for practice of law.In addition to the admission requirements otherwise established by these rules, the essential eligibility requirements for admission to the practice of law in Nebraska are:
(A) the ability to conduct oneself with a high degree of honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness in all professional relationships and with respect to all legal obligations;
(B) the ability to conduct oneself diligently and reliably in fulfilling all obligations to clients, attorneys, courts, and others;
(C) the ability to conduct oneself with respect for and in accordance with the law and the Nebraska Rules of Professional Conduct;
(D) the ability to communicate clearly with clients, attorneys, courts, and others;
(E) the ability to reason, analyze, and recall complex factual information and to integrate such information with complex legal theories;
(F) the ability to exercise good judgment in conducting one's professional business;
(G) the ability to avoid acts that exhibit disregard for the health, safety, and welfare of others;
(H) the ability to use honesty and good judgment in financial dealings on behalf of oneself, clients, and others;
(I) the ability to comply with deadlines and time constraints; and
(J) the ability to conduct oneself professionally and in a manner that engenders respect for the law and the profession.
In the event the application and investigation process indicates a question of whether the applicant meets the eligibility requirements for the practice of law contained in this section, the Commission shall take up the matter and determine whether the applicant may be admitted. The Commission shall conduct further investigation under these rules if needed to determine eligibility for admission.
§ 3-112 amended July 25, 2013, effective August 1, 2013; § 3-112 amended February 12, 2020.