§ 6-1453. Preliminary hearings in felony cases.

§ 6-1453. Preliminary hearings in felony cases.

   (A) Transcript of Pleadings. In cases where the defendant is ordered bound over to the district court, the original case file shall be transmitted electronically to the clerk of the district court using JUSTICE procedures. The register of actions of the case in the county court shall be updated to show the actions in the county court, and the action of transmitting the record shall be recorded on the register of actions.

   (B) Transcript of Proceedings.

   (1) Request for transcription. A transcript of proceedings for preliminary hearings in felony cases may be ordered by a party to the action by filing a request with the clerk of the county court. The request shall specify which portions of the evidence should be included in the transcript.

   (2) Preparation and payment. A transcript of proceedings for preliminary hearings in felony cases, when requested, shall be prepared by court reporting personnel as provided in Neb. Ct. R. in § 6-1452(B)(5)(a) and (b) and paid for as described in Neb Ct. R. § 1-203(B).

   (C) Costs. The county court shall certify costs and show whether costs have been paid or claimed.

Rule 53 adopted September 1987. Renumbered and codified as § 6-1453, effective July 18, 2008; § 6-1453 amended June 9, 2021, effective January 1, 2022; § 6-1453(B) amended October 23, 2024.
