Chief Probation Officer Bev Hoagland Featured in National Podcast for Juvenile Justice

Chief Probation Officer Bev Hoagland Featured in National Podcast for Juvenile Justice

Chief Probation Officer Bev Hoagland Featured in National Podcast for Juvenile Justice

Listen to the national juvenile justice resource center podcast featuring Bev Hoagland, Chief Juvenile Probation Officer in Lancaster County. During the interview, Hoagland highlights key elements that improved system performance and youth outcomes in Lancaster County. She discusses the importance of incorporating brain science research in training and policies, the critical role of a program coordinator in probation and youth justice system reform, specific probation and court practices that produced impressive reductions in recidivism with associated positive behavior change within the probation population, and how implementation science assisted with improving outcomes and ensuring the sustainability of reforms.

Listen to the podcast: Critical Keys to Successful Probation and Youth Justice System Reform (Bev Hoagland)