Employee of the Year, 2023

Employee of the Year, 2023

Employee of the Year, 2023

Awarded to: Hazel Delgado, AOCP Director of Research and Data – Lancaster County

Hazel Delgado, exhibits exceptional leadership by innovatively handling data requests, fostering cooperation, and embracing emerging technologies. She streamlined data processing, ensuring efficiency and equity. Hazel promotes professionalism, inclusivity, and dynamic engagement with social dynamics. Her strategic management adheres to best practices, and she actively contributes to academic and professional communities. Proactively exploring AI, she formulates broad, impactful policies, while sharing credit with her team. Hazel's dedication to excellence and forward-thinking vision enhances decision-making and advances justice system fairness.

The Employee of the Year recognition is based on performance, professionalism, loyalty, and other accomplishments that exemplify the values and professional standards of the Judicial Branch. The Employee of the Year is a reliable, determined, and results-oriented individual who consistently exceeds their daily work expectations.