Four Graduate from the 5th Judicial Problem-Solving Court in York

Four Graduate from the 5th Judicial Problem-Solving Court in York

Four Graduate from the 5th Judicial Problem-Solving Court in York

Four individuals, Cade Drummond, Joshua Bullers, Shannon Martin-Wagner, and Larry Taylor recently celebrated their graduation from the 5th Judicial Problem-Solving Court in York. The graduation ceremony took place on June 12, 2023, with Judge James C. Stecker presiding over the event. The occasion was attended by Senator Jana Huges, York County Board Members, probation staff, as well as family, and friends of the graduates.

The ceremony marked the culmination of an intensive program that encompassed comprehensive mental health treatment, intensive community supervision, and full accountability for the graduates. It provided an opportunity for past and present problem-solving court participants to come together and share their experiences, both the successes and the challenges, that they encountered while being involved in this program.

Problem-Solving Courts serve as an alternative path within the criminal justice system for nonviolent drug-related offenders. These courts operate through a specialized team process, integrated within the existing court structure. The primary objective is to reduce recidivism and substance use among individuals with substance use disorders. By utilizing validated risk and need assessments, early and personalized behavioral health treatment, frequent and random chemical testing, as well as incentives, sanctions, and other rehabilitative and ancillary services, the courts aim to enhance public safety and increase the likelihood of successful rehabilitation for the participants.

For additional information, please contact:

Morgan Campbell, Problem-Solving Court Coordinator

Phone: (402) 362-6540           Email: