Attorney Services Division Hosts 2 Bar Exams

Attorney Services Division Hosts 2 Bar Exams

Bar exams always take lots of hard work, but the September 9th and 10th exam sessions also required ingenuity.  In planning for the second bar exam in six weeks and dealing with the need to keep everyone safe, Stephanie Ferris, assistant director of admissions, built barriers to allow security to get close enough to examine laptops, clothing, and the glasses of the examinees. 

The September bar exam was scheduled as an alternative to the July exam for those dealing with COVID-19.  Twenty-four candidates took the exam held at the Cornhusker Marriott.  The bar exam is a joint effort of ASD and the AOC proctors who are instrumental in a successful bar exam.  Many thanks to all who participated.

Results from the July exam have been tabulated.  The pass rate of 89% is the highest overall pass rate we have seen in Nebraska in many years.  Only 16 of the 142 taking the July exam failed to pass.  Our pass rate has been approximately 79% for some time, so this was an unusually successful applicant pool.

The successful July exam candidates sworn in during a combined live and WebEx ceremony held September 15th at the Pinewood Bowl in Lincoln.  Candidates were given a chance to appear in person or by WebEx and take the oath.  One hundred five new attorneys are expected to attend in person.  Family members were also in attendance to witness the swearing-in.