District 3
District 3Rules of the District Court for the Third Judicial District
(Effective September 29, 1995; last amended May 1, 2019)
Appendix Form 1 - Pretrial Memorandum
Appendix Form 2 - Proposed Balance Sheet
Appendix Form 3 - Holiday Parenting Time Schedule
Appendix Form 4 - Parenting Responsibilities and Cooperation
Appendix Form 5 - Trial Notice
Appendix Form 6 - Comments on Rule 3-13
Index of Amendments
Index of Amendments(Since November 1999)
November 29, 2000, Amendments
Rule 3-7 Amended
Rule 3-9 Amended
Rule 3-15 Added
Appendix p.1 Amended with renumbering on p.2
Appendix p. 4 Amended
Appendix p. 10 Amended
Appendix pp. 14 - 23 Added
September 5, 2001, Amendment
Add Rule 3-2.F
January 9, 2003, Amendment
Rule 3-2 Amended
Rule 3-6 Amended
Rule 3-7 Amended
Rule 3-11 Amended
Appendix p. 13 Trial Notice Amended
June 2, 2004, Amendment
Add Rule 3-2.H
Rule 3-8 Typographical error corrected
Rule 3-9.B Extraneous language deleted
Rule 3-9.C Policy requiring parenting classes in certain situations made permanent
Rule 3-9.E Permitting exceptions to Property Statement requirement
Rule 3-9.G Added new section and the original 3-9.G is moved to 3-9.H
Rule 3-12 Moved to Rule 3-14 and Procedures for fee applications by Guardians ad litem are added
Rule 3-13 Deleted
Rule 3-15 Moved to Rule 3-13 and temporary rules previously contained in the Appendix are made a part of the Rules. Language in this Rule has been amended to reflect that the temporary policy is now permanently adopted.
November 2006 Amendment
Rule 3-2.E Delete
Rule 3-2.F through Rule 3-2.H are renumbered to 3-2.E through 3-2.G
Rule 3-2.H Add
Rule 3-9.E(2)(b) Delete reference to Wilson v. Wilson
Rule 3-9 final paragraph Insert limitation on adding to witness list
Exhibit A Insert Warning not to use account numbers
Joint Property Statement Insert Warning not to use account numbers and change references to Plaintiff and Defendant
Social Security/Gender filing Add
January 2008 Amendment
Rule 3-15 Added
Attachment D Add birthdates for children
June 2010 Amendment
Rule 3-9 Amended
Rule 3-13 Amended
Rule 3-15 Amended
Rule 3-16 New rule re file retention
Rule 3-17 New rule re detainer cases
Appendix-Table of Forms Amended
Appendix Forms
Form 1 Form number added
Form 2 Form number added
Form 3-Parenting Time Amended
Form 4 Form number added
Form 5 Form number added
Form 6 Form number added
Form 7 New form re Parenting Act compliance
September 2010 Amendments
Rule 3-2 Amended
Rule 3-15 Amended
Attachment D Removed
March 2011 Amendments
Table of Contents Added (not included in online version)
Rule 3-9 Amended
Form 7 Amended
Form 8 Added
June 2013 Amendments
Rule 3-9 Amended
Rule 3-13 Amended
Form 7 Deleted
Form 8 Renumbered as Form 7
Attachment A Deleted
Attachment B Deleted
Attachment C Re-lettered as Attachment A
November 2014 Amendments
Rule 3-2 Amended
Rule 3-11 Amended
Rule 3-13.001 Added
Rule 3-15 Amended
September 2015 Amendments
Rule 3-13.001 Amended
Rule 3-15 Amended
September 2016 Amendments
Rule 3-15 Amended
October 2016 Amendments
Rule 3-9 Amended
Appendix Form 3 Amended
May 2017 Amendments
Rule 3-18 Added
February 2019 Amendments (approved May 1, 2019)
Rule 3-2 Amended and typographical error corrected
Rule 3-6 Deleted
Rule 3-6 New rule re attorney attire
Rule 3-9 Amended
Form 1 Amended and renamed
Form 2 Amended and renamed
Form 3 Amended and renamed
Form 7 Amended
Form 8 Added
July 2022 Amendments
Rule 3-2(C) Amended
Rule 3-2(G) Amended
Rule 3-2(H) Amended
Rule 3-2(I) Amended
Rule 3-11(G) Amended
Rule 3-14 Amended
Rule 3-15 Amended
Rules 3-18(5) Amended
Rule 3-21 Added
Appendix 8 Amended
July 2023 Amendments
Rule 3-18 Amended
Scope and Effective Date
Scope and Effective DateThese rules for the District Court of the Third Judicial District (the court) shall become effective upon approval by the Supreme Court, and such approved rules shall be published on the Nebraska Judicial Branch website consistent with the Nebraska Supreme Court Rules.
Approved effective September 29, 1995; amended July 2022, approved September 21, 2022.
Rule 3-1. Term of Court
Rule 3-1. Term of CourtThere shall be one term of court, commencing on January 1 and ending on December 31 of each calendar year. No order shall be required to either open or close any term of court.
Approved effective September 29, 1995; amended December 23, 1999.
Rule 3-2. Motions and Other Filings
Rule 3-2. Motions and Other FilingsA. When any motion requiring a hearing is filed, it shall be filed with a notice of hearing with a date, time, manner of hearing, and certificate of service with the Clerk of the District Court (Clerk) not less than 5 days prior to hearing, except by permission of the court.
B. A time of hearing shall be secured by contacting the judge's bailiff. If it is impossible to secure a time for hearing, the motion may be filed, but a notice of hearing must be filed with a certificate of service promptly thereafter. Failure to file a notice of hearing and certificate of service within 10 days after filing a motion will be deemed an abandonment of the motion without further action by the court. Unless approved by the judge, a hearing date must be obtained for each motion, even if motions in the same case are already scheduled.
C. Notice of said hearing shall be served at least three full days prior to said hearing. The notice may be served in any manner permitted by the rules of the Supreme Court.
D. When the court is acting as an appellate court, a motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction may be filed at any time after an appeal has been docketed.
E. The inclusion of abusive or profane language in any petition or other pleading shall be considered by the court as "malicious" and result in the striking of such pleading, together with other sanctions which may include the denial or revocation of in forma pauperis status in the case and dismissal of the case.
F. If a party files a motion under Neb. Ct. R. Pldg. § 6-1112(b)(6) intended to secure final disposition of the case without a trial, and the motion will require the admission of evidence beyond the pleadings, the moving party shall notify the opposing party of this intention and the parties shall follow the procedures applicable to motions for summary judgment.
G. Accompanying and separate and distinct from each decree of dissolution of marriage, order of paternity, or other child support order or order of modification of the same shall be an accompanying document in the format provided in Neb. Ct. R. § 6-1521(B) at Appendix 3, which shall contain necessary social security numbers, gender, and birthdates of each party and any minor child affected by the order. The separate filing shall not be made available by the parties without further court order. An image of the filing shall not be reproduced into any publicly-viewable location in Justice. Social security numbers should not be contained in any other pleading filed with the court. No pleading or other document filed with the court and no exhibit used at trial shall contain a complete account number for any financial accounts or debts of any party. The same shall be redacted to the extent necessary to protect the information from misuse. By agreement of the parties, or as directed by the court, such information shall be identified in such a manner as the parties, counsel, the court, and the jury may be able to distinguish information between similar accounts or debts, or as may be necessary to establish relevance to the matter being litigated.
H. Once counsel is appointed by any court, or enters an appearance on behalf of a party, all filings and other communications with the court shall be through counsel, unless the court permits otherwise. Any documents or communications submitted to the court by a party who has counsel may be (a) returned unfiled to the sending party or (b) forwarded unfiled to the sending party’s counsel.
Approved effective September 29, 1995; amended effective December 23, 1999; Rule 3-2(F) amended September 19, 2001; Rule 3-2(G) amended January 3, 2003; Rule 3-2(H) amended July 14, 2004; Rule 3-2(E) through (H) amended November 2006; Rule 3-2(H) amended September 9, 2010; Rule 3-2(H) amended November 26, 2014; amended February 2019, approved May 1, 2019; Rule 3-2(C), (G), and (H) amended July 2022, approved September 21, 2022.
Rule 3-3. Continuances
Rule 3-3. ContinuancesNo continuances shall be allowed, except for good cause shown, upon motion or stipulation and affidavit, pursuant to Nebraska statutes, and any motion for a continuance shall request continuance to a date and time certain to be set by the court.
Approved effective September 29, 1995; amended December 23, 1999.
Rule 3-4. Default Judgments - Notice
Rule 3-4. Default Judgments - NoticeNotice of a hearing for judgment or decree on default shall be given as provided for in Rule 3-2.
Approved effective September 29, 1995.
Rule 3-5. Discovery
Rule 3-5. DiscoveryTo curtail undue delay in the administration of justice, the court shall refuse to consider any and all motions relating to discovery, unless moving counsel, as part of the motion, makes a written showing that after personal consultation with counsel for opposing party(ies) and reasonable efforts to resolve differences, counsel are unable to reach an accord. This showing shall recite, additionally, the date, time and place of such conference and the name of all participants. As used herein, "counsel" includes parties who are acting pro se.
Approved effective September 29, 1995.
Rule 3-6. Attorney Attire
Rule 3-6. Attorney AttireAttorneys shall be attired in business wear while present in court, whether in the courtroom or in chambers.
Unacceptable attire includes T-shirts, sleeveless tops such as tank tops, halter tops, spaghetti-strap tops, or any top that does not completely cover the midriff area, clothing which is excessively tight, low-cut, revealing, or sheer, shorts, denim, flip-flop sandals, slippers, Crocs, or tennis shoes (unless medically necessary).
Business wear for women includes suits, dresses, skirts (extending below the fingertip), or dress slacks (Capri pants can be worn if they are no shorter than mid-calf length and are worn in the same manner as dress slacks, i.e., with a jacket or dress shirt). Dress shoes are required.
Business wear for men includes suits, collared shirts and ties, and dress slacks worn with jackets. Dress shoes are required.
Approved effective September 29, 1995; Rule 3-6(A) amended January 3, 2003; original Rule 3-6 deleted and replaced, February 2019, approved May 1, 2019.
Rule 3-7. Court Files
Rule 3-7. Court FilesA. No person, except the judges or the clerk, shall take from the courthouse or out of the office or possession of the clerk, any records, papers or files of the court pertaining to the causes therein, except by permission of the clerk, upon such conditions as the judges may impose. Any file so removed shall be returned to the clerk within 24 hours, unless otherwise ordered by a judge of the court.
B. Any request for court records made to the clerk by an incarcerated person shall be made through the records manager of the institution at which the inmate is housed. If the request is granted by the court, the incarcerated person shall be provided with copies made at the direction of the court. Original court records, including bills of exceptions shall not be provided to an incarcerated person.
C. Any damage, destruction, or alteration of an original court record, or any part thereof, by any pro se litigant requesting such record, whether he or she be incarcerated, may result in suspension of the privilege to check out original court records from the clerk.
D. No one, other than an official court reporter, may take the bill of exceptions apart for any purpose, without written authorization from the court.
Approved effective September 29, 1995; Rule 3-7(B) and (C) amended December 20, 2000; Rule 3-7(B) amended January 3, 2003; Rule 3-7(D) amended January 3, 2003.
Rule 3-8. Case Progression
Rule 3-8. Case ProgressionA. As soon after filing of a case as is practicable, the court may enter an order of progression for the case. These orders may include:
(1) A date when all depositions and discovery allowed by law shall be completed and foreclosing reopening, except upon order for good cause shown;
(2) a date, time and place for pretrial conference; and
(3) a date and time for trial.
B. In the months of May and November of each year, or when otherwise directed by the court or any one of the judges, the clerk shall prepare a list of all pending civil cases and a list of all equity cases in which no action has been taken for six months prior thereto. An order shall then be entered requiring that cause be shown, within 30 days from the entry of said show cause order, as to why said cases shall not be dismissed for want of prosecution. Notice of said order shall be sent by mail to the attorney of record, or parties, if no attorney of record. If good cause is not shown, such cases shall be dismissed.
Approved effective September 29, 1995; amended December 23, 1999.
Rule 3-9. Domestic Relations Cases
Rule 3-9. Domestic Relations CasesA. Application. This Rule 3-9 shall apply to all cases classified by the State Court Administrator as a domestic case, including, without limitation, divorce; paternity; grandparent visitation; modification actions; any matter involving child custody, parenting time; or any matter governed by the Parenting Act.
B. Hearings on Motions for Temporary Orders. Hearings on motions for temporary orders will be heard in chambers unless:
(1) Otherwise ordered by the court;
(2) Either party is pro se and present for the hearing; or
(3) Either party or counsel requests the matter be heard in the courtroom.
Whether the hearing is held in chambers or the courtroom:
(1) A court reporter will be provided upon request by the court or either party; and
(2) The hearing will be heard on affidavit(s) only unless otherwise ordered.
C. Motion to Set for Trial. After defendant has filed a Voluntary Appearance or Answer or answer day has passed without response, either party may file a motion to set the case for trial.
In cases involving custody or parenting time, the moving party shall state in the motion to set for trial that he/she has taken the parenting class required by statute and filed a certificate showing completion of the parenting class. If the filing party is requesting a waiver of said requirement, he/she shall state the basis for the waiver.
In all cases in which a trial date is sought, the moving party shall state that mediation has been completed unsuccessfully. If the filing party is requesting a waiver of mediation, he/she shall state the basis for the waiver.
A hearing on a motion to set for trial will not be had absent compliance with this rule.
D. Hearing on Motion to Set for Trial. Each party shall bring a completed Pretrial Memorandum (See Appendix Form 1) to the hearing.
The parties are under a continuing duty to update all information that is required to appear on the Pretrial Memorandum; however, no amendment may be made to a Pretrial Memorandum 5 or less days prior to trial without consent of the other party or leave of the court.
E. Trial.
(1) Unless otherwise ordered by the court:
(a) If child support is at issue, each party shall submit to the court his/her proposed child support worksheet.
(b) If custody or parenting time is at issue, each party shall submit to the court his/her proposed parenting plan.
(c) If the division of property/debt is at issue, each party shall submit to the court his/her proposed balance sheet (see Appendix Form 2) identifying the assets and debts, providing a value for each, and his/her proposed division.
(2) If custody or parenting time is at issue, joint physical and legal custody will be considered by the court.
F. Child Support Guideline Calculations.
(1) In all matters in which an order includes the setting of child support, a child support guideline calculation shall be completed by the party submitting the proposed order and attached to the proposed order.
(2) If a deviation is proposed, pursuant to Neb. Ct. R. § 4-203, the proposed order shall contain specific findings and/or worksheet 5.
G. Parenting Plan. Each parenting plan submitted to the court shall contain a parenting time schedule which complies with the Parenting Act and shall set out, with specificity, parenting responsibilities and cooperation.
(1) Holiday Parenting Time Schedule. Appendix Form 3 is a holiday parenting time schedule which, absent evidence otherwise, the court finds provides reasonable holiday parenting time in cases in which the parties are unable to agree otherwise.
(2) Parenting Responsibilities and Cooperation. Appendix Form 4 contains the minimum parenting responsibilities and cooperation language that must be incorporated into each parenting plan.
H. Exhibit 1. In the interest of preserving court time at the final hearing or trial, the parties shall offer evidence in the format of Exhibit 1 (see Appendix Form 7).
I. Decrees and Final Orders. All decrees or orders on domestic relations matters that are submitted to the court for signature must contain as the last paragraph of the decree or order the following paragraph:
To the extent there is any conflict between this Decree (Order) and any attachment or other document incorporated herein by reference, the language of this Decree (Order) shall supersede and control.
J. Waiver of Hearing. If permitted by the judge to whom their case has been assigned, the parties may waive a final hearing pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 42-361 (dissolution) or § 42-361.01 (separation) using the Certificates of Waiver found at Appendix Form 8.
K. Mediation. Unless waived by the court, in all cases governed by the Parenting Act, except those in which there are allegations of intimate domestic partner abuse or unresolved parental conflict as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 43-2922, parties who have not executed an agreed upon Parenting Plan within 4 months after service of process or the filing of a voluntary appearance shall participate in mediation as set forth in the Parenting Act.
Before filing a contested Complaint to Modify regarding provisions of a Parenting Plan or an Application for Order to Show Cause relating to a Parenting Plan, parties shall mediate by selecting a mutually agreed upon mediator. Any party filing a Complaint to Modify regarding provisions of a Parenting Plan or an Application for Order to Show Cause relating to a Parenting Plan must state in the pleading the date mediation was held and the outcome of mediation. This mediation requirement is in addition to any mediation that occurred prior to the court’s most recent Decree or Order on Modification currently in effect.
For cases in which there are allegations of intimate domestic partner abuse or unresolved parental conflict as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 43-2922, parties who have not executed an agreed-upon Parenting Plan within 4 months after service of process or the filing of a voluntary appearance shall participate in the specialized alternative dispute resolution process as set forth in the Parenting Act unless waived by the court. The parties shall also participate in the specialized alternative dispute resolution process when referred there by a mediator.
Mediation or the alternative dispute resolution process shall be conducted by a person who qualifies as a Parenting Act mediator or approved specialized mediator as set forth in the Parenting Act and proceed under the standards of practice set forth in the Parenting Act and/or adopted by the State Court Administrator.
If a party fails to appear for mediation or the specialized dispute resolution process or fails to meaningfully participate in mediation or the specialized dispute resolution process, the court may impose sanctions including without limitation, dismissing the case for want of prosecution, assessing attorney fees and expenses incurred for trial and trial preparation, limiting the presentation of evidence, and such other sanction as may appear fair and just under the circumstances.
L. Specialized Alternative Dispute Resolution Process. The specialized alternative dispute resolution process shall begin with each parent meeting individually with a qualified mediator who shall educate each party about the process. The parties shall be allowed to have support persons attend sessions with them. The approved specialized mediator may establish such protocols for the process as he or she deems reasonable to protect the safety of any party, including a requirement that there be separate individual sessions for each party. Specialized alternative dispute resolution shall not proceed unless the parties are informed of the process, including any safety protocols that will be in effect and informed consent to proceed is obtained from both parties in writing.
M. Waiver and Opt-Out. The court may waive the requirement for mediation or permit the parties to opt-out of the specialized alternative dispute resolution process when:
(1) there is good cause shown and the parents agree, and such parental agreement is bona fide and not an attempt to avoid the purposes of the Parenting Act; or
(2) for good cause shown and when mediation or the specialized alternative dispute resolution process is not possible without undue delay or hardship to either parent.
Upon the filing of a motion for waiver or opt-out, the court shall hold a hearing on affidavits. The burden of proof shall be by clear and convincing evidence and rests with the party seeking the waiver or opt-out.
N. Disqualification. If a party believes there is good cause to disqualify or preclude another party from participating in the alternative dispute resolution process, that party may file a motion for disqualification or preclusion. After notice and a hearing on affidavits, the court, for good cause shown, may disqualify or preclude a party from participating.
Approved effective September 29, 1995; amended December 23, 1999; Rule 3-9(F) amended December 20, 2000; Rule 3-9(G) amended July 14, 2004; Rule 3-9(H) amended July 14, 2004; Rule 3-9(E) amended November 2006; Rule 3-9 amended June 23, 2010; Rule 3-9 amended March 23, 2011; Rule 3-9 amended June 12, 2013; Rule 3-9(F)(a) amended October 12, 2016; amended February 2019, approved May 1, 2019; Rule 3-9(C), (H), (K) and (M) amended May 8, 2024.
Rule 3-10. Civil Case Progression
Rule 3-10. Civil Case ProgressionA. Application. This Rule 3-10 shall apply to all civil cases except those referred to in Rule 3-9.
B. Progression Order. After either (1) the case is at issue or (2) "answer day" has passed without response, the court may enter a case progression order on its own motion or at the request of a party. The progression order may include the mandatory exchange of information, discovery deadlines, provision for disclosure of expert witnesses, the date of the pretrial conference, the trial term at which the case will be tried or the trial date, together with such other provisions as the court may deem appropriate.
C. Filing of Trial Notice. When a case is at issue and there is no progression order entered, counsel may file with the clerk of the court a Trial Notice on the form contained in the Appendix to these rules. A copy of the Trial Notice shall be submitted to the judge to whom the case is assigned. The notice shall be simultaneously served on all opposing counsel of record.
D. Objection to Trial Notice. An objection to a Trial Notice shall be filed within 10 days of the date of service of the Trial Notice. The objection shall set forth with specificity the reasons for the objection and a statement of the objector's opinion of when the case will be ready for trial.
Approved effective December 23, 1999.
Rule 3-11. Child Support Referee
Rule 3-11. Child Support RefereeA. Intent. The court finds that matters relating to the establishment, modification, enforcement and collection of child/spousal support and to paternity matters should be handled by the court in an expeditious manner, so that parties may obtain needed orders and other action as quickly as possible. It is determined that the appointment of a child support referee is necessary to aid the court in meeting the case progression standards established by Nebraska Supreme Court rule and federal law.
B. Appointment. Each referee shall be appointed by order of the judges of the court and shall be an attorney in good standing admitted to the practice of law in the State of Nebraska. The referee shall be sworn or affirmed, and the oath for judicial officers shall be administered by the presiding judge of the court. The referee may be removed at any time by the court.
C. Duties. The referee shall hear matters pertaining to (1) the establishment, modification, enforcement and collection of child/spousal support; (2) paternity; and (3) all other matters permitted by law and assigned by the court. The referee shall have the power to summon and enforce the attendance of parties and witnesses, administer all necessary oaths, supervise pretrial preparation pursuant to the rules of discovery, grant continuances and adjournments, recommend the appointment of counsel for indigent parties and carry out any other duties permitted by law and assigned by the district court. The functions performed by the referee under expedited processes shall, at a minimum, include: (1) taking testimony and establishing a record; (2) evaluating evidence and making recommendations to establish and enforce orders; (3) accepting voluntary acknowledgment of support liability and stipulated agreements setting the amount of support and accepting voluntary acknowledgments of paternity; and (4) recommending default orders, if absent parents fail to respond with in the time specified by law.
D. Safeguards. Under the expedited processes established by this court rule:
(1) The due process rights of the parties shall be protected.
(2) The parties must be provided a copy of the recommendation of the referee and the ratified order.
(3) To be enforceable, the referee's recommendations must be entered as an order by a judge.
(4) If a case involves complex issues requiring judicial resolution, a temporary support obligation shall be recommended under these expedited processes and the unresolved issues shall be referred to the court.
E. Hearings. A hearing before a referee shall be conducted in the same manner as a hearing before the court. Testimony in such matters shall be preserved by tape recording or other prescribed measures and in accordance with prescribed standards. Transcripts of all hearings shall be available upon request and all costs of preparing the transcript shall be paid by the party for whom it is prepared, unless he or she has been determined to be indigent.
F. Findings and Recommendations. Upon the hearing of a matter, the referee shall prepare, in writing, his or her findings and recommendations to the parties or their attorneys and submit a report to the court containing findings of fact and recommendations and any and all exceptions.
G. Judicial Review. In all cases referred to a referee, the parties shall have the right to file an exception within 14 days of the date of the referee's Findings and Recommendations. The exception shall be accompanied by a praecipe requesting the preparation of the bill of exceptions of the proceedings before the referee. The hearing before the court on the exception to the referee's Findings and Recommendations shall be de novo on the record before the referee. The court may ratify or modify the recommendations of the referee and enter judgment based thereon. If no exception is filed, the court shall proceed to consider the referee's Findings and Recommendations and render a final order without further notice or hearing.
H. Case Progression. Actions to establish or enforce support obligations and/or paternity shall be completed in accordance with state and federal law.
Approved effective September 29, 1995; amended December 23, 1999; Rules 3-11(C) and (G) amended January 3, 2003; Rule 3-11(G) amended November 26, 2014; Rule 3-11(G) amended July 2022, approved September 21, 2022.
Rule 3-12. Trial Terms
Rule 3-12. Trial TermsAny civil or criminal case in which a jury is waived or which is to be tried to the court and which is expected to take 1 day or less to try may be assigned by the court to a Trial Term. A Trial Term is a period of time determined by each judge during which more than one case will be scheduled for trial. By order of the judge to whom the case is assigned, other requirements governing the progression of the case may be imposed. Cases assigned to a Trial Term for trial shall proceed to trial as follows:
(1) All counsel and persons having cases set for trial during a Trial Term shall be ready for trial whenever called during the next and all subsequent trial terms.
(2) The judge's bailiff will maintain a current list of cases set for trial during that judge's Trial Terms. Cases set for trial during a Trial Term will be called up for trial in the order in which they are listed thereon.
Approved effective December 23, 1999; renumbered from 3-14 to 3-12 and amended July 14, 2004 (original Rules 3-12 and 3-13 deleted July 14, 2004).
Rule 3-13. Appointment of Counsel; Indigent Parties; Standards and Procedures
Rule 3-13. Appointment of Counsel; Indigent Parties; Standards and ProceduresA. Applicability. These rules shall apply in every criminal proceeding in which the laws of the United States or the laws of the State of Nebraska establish a right to be represented by counsel. All parties who have a right to be represented by an attorney, including juveniles, shall have their eligibility for appointment of an attorney at public expense determined in conformance with these rules.
B. Definition of Terms. The following definitions shall be applied in connection with these rules:
(1) "Anticipated Cost of Counsel" shall mean the cost of retaining private counsel for representation on the matter before the court, as estimated by the court with reference, when applicable, to actual fees and retainers quoted for representation in the case by attorneys who practice in the area.
(2) "Available Funds" shall mean a party's "liquid assets" and "disposable net monthly income" calculated after provision is made for the party's bail obligations. For the purpose of determining "available funds," the following definitions shall apply:
(3) "Basic Living Costs" shall mean the average amount of money spent each month for reasonable payments, including loan payments, toward living costs such as shelter, food, utilities, health care, transportation, clothing, education and child support, alimony, or other support payments.
(4) "Disposable Net Monthly Income" shall mean the income remaining each month after deducting amounts paid for income taxes, Social Security taxes, contributory retirement, union dues, and basic living costs.
(5) "Income" shall mean salary, wages, interest, dividends, rental income, and other earnings and cash payments such as amounts received from pensions, annuities, Social Security, and public assistance programs, and child support, alimony, and other support payments.
(6) "Liquid Assets" shall mean all real and personal property that is cash or that can be reasonably converted into cash, including pensions, deferred compensation plans, and individual retirement plans, cash on hand, funds provided by friends and relation for the purpose of providing legal services, savings accounts, stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, and equity in any real or personal property. Any motor vehicle necessary to maintain employment shall not be considered a liquid asset.
(7) "Indigent," for purposes of this rule, shall mean:
(a) A party who is:
(i) Receiving one of the following types of public assistance: Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Emergency Aid to Elderly, Disabled and Children (EAEDC), poverty related veteran's benefits, food stamps, refugee resettlement benefits, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or County General Assistance Funds; or
(ii) Receiving an annual gross income of 125% or less of the current federally established poverty level; or
(iii) Residing in a public mental health facility or is the subject of a proceeding in which admission or commitment to such a facility is sought, provided that where the County Board of Mental Health or the Judge has reason to believe the party is not indigent, a determination of indigency shall be made in accordance with these Rules; or
(iv) Serving a sentence in a correctional institution and has no available funds; or
(v) Held in custody in jail and has no available funds; or,
(b) A party who the court determines is unable to retain legal counsel without prejudicing the party's ability to provide economic necessities for the party or the party's family based on a comparison of the party's available funds and anticipated cost of counsel.
(8) "Party" shall mean a defendant, including a juvenile, in a criminal proceeding, in which a person has a right to counsel.
C. Judicial Advisement of the Right to Counsel. Whenever a party initially appears before the court without an attorney in any criminal proceeding where the right to counsel attaches, the judge shall advise the party, or if the party is a juvenile or is under guardianship, the party and a parent or legal guardian, where appropriate, that (1) the party has a right to be represented by an attorney in the proceeding and (2) if the court determines that the party, or the party's parent or guardian where appropriate, wants, but cannot afford, the services of an attorney, that an attorney will be provided at public expense.
D. Affidavit of Indigency. A party who desires to proceed as an indigent with an attorney appointed by the court may be required to complete an affidavit under oath concerning his or her financial resources on a form consistent with Attachment A to the Comments associated with this Rule appearing in the Appendix Form 6 to these Rules. The affidavit shall require the party to list all financial resources relevant to a determination of indigence. The party shall be advised of the penalties for perjury.
E. Determination of Indigency. If the court finds that the party has not effectively waived his or her right to counsel, and the party has not arranged to obtain counsel, the court may receive the affidavit of indigency and may question the party under oath. After reviewing the information contained in the affidavit and, if applicable, the party's testimony, the court may determine whether the party is indigent based on § B(7)(a), indigent based on § B(7)(b), or not indigent. The court first shall determine whether a party is indigent based on § B(7)(a). If the court finds that a party is not indigent under § B(7)(a), the court shall next determine whether the party is indigent under § B(7)(b). If the court finds the party indigent, it shall make its findings part of the court record.
F. Assignment of Counsel/Notice of Assignment. If the court finds that a party is indigent, the court shall appoint an attorney to provide representation for the party and enter an Order for Appointment of Counsel. The order shall include the name of the attorney assigned to represent the party or shall note the office of the public defender was appointed.
G. Review of Indigency Determination. A party's indigency status may be reviewed in a formal hearing at any stage of a court proceeding if additional information regarding financial circumstances becomes available to the court. A party has a right to reconsideration in a formal hearing of the findings and conclusions regarding the party's indigency.
H. Solicitation for Payment of Cost of Counsel. While determined to be indigent, a party may not be ordered, required, or solicited to make any payment toward the cost of counsel.
I. Inadmissibility of Information Obtained From Party. No information provided by a party pursuant to this rule may be used in any criminal or civil proceeding against the party except, in a prosecution for perjury or contempt committed in providing such information or in an attempt to enforce an obligation to reimburse the state for the cost of counsel.
Approved July 14, 2004; amended June 23, 2010; amended June 12, 2013.
Rule 3-13.001. Appointment of Counsel in Criminal Cases
Rule 3-13.001. Appointment of Counsel in Criminal CasesA. Authority. Pursuant to Neb. Ct. R. §§ 6-1525 and 6-1467, the judges of the District and County Courts of Lancaster County (the Courts) adopt this rule to appoint counsel for any person who is financially unable to obtain representation in felony and misdemeanor cases pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 29-3901 to 29-3908 and §§ 29-3001 to 29-3004 (Reissue 2008 and Cum. Supp. 2012).
B. Statement of Policy. This rule shall be administered so that those eligible for services pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 29-3901 to 29-3908 and §§ 29-3001 to 29-3004 (Reissue 2008 and Cum. Supp. 2012) will not be deprived of representation because they are financially unable to pay for representation. The further objective of this rule is to particularize the process for court appointments in Lancaster County, Nebraska.
C. Appointment of Private Attorneys. The Lancaster County Public Defender's Office shall have first priority to be appointed for any indigent defendant in all criminal cases within the county. In those cases where the Lancaster County Public Defender's Office has a conflict and the case is one where the Nebraska Commission on Public Advocacy may be appointed, the Nebraska Commission on Public Advocacy will have priority for appointment. This rule establishes the process for the appointment of private attorneys to represent indigent defendants when the Public Defender and Nebraska Commission on Public Advocacy are not available. The rules for the composition, administration, and management of the panel of private attorneys pursuant to Neb. Ct. R. §§ 6-1525 and 6-1467 are set forth below.
D. Duties of Appointed Counsel. Attorneys appointed shall conform to the highest standards of professional conduct. Neb. Ct. R. of Prof. Cond. § 3-501.1 requires a lawyer to provide competent representation to a client. Competent representation requires the legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness, preparation, and judgment reasonably necessary for the representation. If an attorney cannot properly represent a defendant on his/her charge(s), the attorney has a duty to decline appointment or withdraw from the case.
E. Composition of Panel. The panel of eligible attorneys shall consist of a list of all licensed attorneys who have requested and are willing to accept appointments in criminal cases in the district. The list shall include the name, Nebraska bar number, office address, telephone number, and email address of each attorney. The Lancaster County Court Appointment Coordinator shall maintain the list, and the information concerning the members of the panel (name, bar number, address, telephone, and email only) shall be open for public inspection upon request.
Attorneys who serve on the panel must be members in good standing of the Nebraska State Bar Association, are expected to demonstrate experience and knowledge of the Nebraska Rules of Criminal Procedure and the Nebraska Rules of Evidence, and must display skill in representation and trial advocacy. Members of the panel shall serve indefinitely and continuously at the pleasure of the Courts.
F. Procedure for Appointments. The Lancaster County Court and District Court use computer software which automatically selects attorneys for case appointment in an efficient and unbiased manner. Appointments from the panel will be made on a rotational basis, subject to the court's discretion to make exception due to the nature and complexity of cases.
To facilitate the procedure and to ensure quality representation of indigent defendants in all types of cases, the panel of court-appointed attorneys will be divided into the following categories of appointment:
• Homicide-(Murder 1 or 2) & Felony 1 Cases • Misdemeanor Cases
• Felony 2 and 2A Cases •Traffic-DUI Cases
• Felony 3, 3A, and 4 Cases
G. Request for Appointment. To be considered for appointment to the panel, a private attorney shall complete the form entitled "Appointment Request Form" (Appendix A, County Court Rules) and shall file it with the Lancaster County Court Appointment Coordinator. The County and/or District Court judges will review the request and place the attorney on the list in the appropriate category/categories. In the event a decision is made that the attorney is placed in a category or categories different than those requested, he or she will be notified in writing. If an attorney disputes their category placement, he/she may submit their reason for such dispute. The dispute will then be considered by the County and/or District Court judges and a decision, made by a majority of the County and/or District Court judges will be provided to the attorney, in writing. Any private attorney on the panel may request to be removed from the panel at any time by sending a letter to the Lancaster County Court Appointment Coordinator, 575 South 10th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508, or by sending an email to nsc.lancaster.cc@nebraska.gov.
H. Maintenance of Panel. An attorney may be removed or suspended as appropriate, from one or more appointment categories by a majority decision of the County and/or District Court judges (depending upon the category). If an attorney is removed or suspended, he/she will be notified in writing. If an attorney disputes removal or suspension, he/she may respond by submitting a reason for the dispute and a current resume to the Court at the address or email in Paragraph G above. Reinstatement will then be considered by the County and District Court judges.
I. Effective Date. This rule shall become effective January 1, 2015.
Appointment of Counsel in Criminal Cases
Appointment of Counsel in Criminal CasesA. Authority. Pursuant to Neb. Ct. R. §§ 6-1525 and 6-1467, the judges of the District and County Courts of Lancaster County (the Courts) adopt this rule to appoint counsel for any person who is financially unable to obtain representation in felony and misdemeanor cases pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 29-3901 to 29-3908 and §§ 29-3001 to 29-3004 (Reissue 2008 and Cum. Supp. 2012).
B. Statement of Policy. This rule shall be administered so that those eligible for services pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 29-3901 to 29-3908 and §§ 29-3001 to 29-3004 (Reissue 2008 and Cum. Supp. 2012) will not be deprived of representation because they are financially unable to pay for representation. The further objective of this rule is to particularize the process for court appointments in Lancaster County, Nebraska.
C. Appointment of Private Attorneys. The Lancaster County Public Defender’s Office shall have first priority to be appointed for any indigent defendant in all criminal cases within the county. In those cases where the Lancaster County Public Defender’s Office has a conflict and the case is one where the Nebraska Commission on Public Advocacy may be appointed, the Nebraska Commission on Public Advocacy will have priority for appointment. This rule establishes the process for the appointment of private attorneys to represent indigent defendants when the Public Defender and Nebraska Commission on Public Advocacy are not available. The rules for the composition, administration, and management of the panel of private attorneys pursuant to Neb. Ct. R. §§ 6-1525 and 6-1467 are set forth below.
D. Duties of Appointed Counsel. Attorneys appointed shall conform to the highest standards of professional conduct. Neb. Ct. R. of Prof. Cond. § 3-501.1 requires a lawyer to provide competent representation to a client. Competent representation requires the legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness, preparation, and judgment reasonably necessary for the representation. If an attorney cannot properly represent a defendant on his/her charge(s), the attorney has a duty to decline appointment or withdraw from the case.
E. Composition of Panel. The panel of eligible attorneys shall consist of a list of all licensed attorneys who have requested and are willing to accept appointments in criminal cases in the district. The list shall include the name, Nebraska bar number, office address, telephone number, and email address of each attorney. The Lancaster County Court Appointment Coordinator shall maintain the list, and the information concerning the members of the panel (name, bar number, address, telephone, and email only) shall be open for public inspection upon request.
Attorneys who serve on the panel must be members in good standing of the Nebraska State Bar Association, are expected to demonstrate experience and knowledge of the Nebraska Rules of Criminal Procedure and the Nebraska Rules of Evidence, and must display skill in representation and trial advocacy. Members of the panel shall serve indefinitely and continuously at the pleasure of the Courts.
F. Procedure for Appointments. The Lancaster County Court and District Court use computer software which automatically selects attorneys for case appointment in an efficient and unbiased manner. Appointments from the panel will be made on a rotational basis, subject to the court’s discretion to make exception due to the nature and complexity of cases.
To facilitate the procedure and to ensure quality representation of indigent defendants in all types of cases, the panel of court appointed attorneys will be divided into the following categories of appointment:
❑ Homicide-(Murder 1 or 2) & Felony 1 Cases ❑ Misdemeanor Cases
❑ Felony 2 and 2A Cases ❑ Traffic-DUI Cases
❑ Felony 3, 3A, and 4 Cases
G. Request for Appointment. To be considered for appointment to the panel, a private attorney shall complete the form entitled “Appointment Request Form” (Appendix A) and shall file it with the Lancaster County Court Appointment Coordinator. The County and/or District Court judges will review the request and place the attorney on the list in the appropriate category/categories. In the event a decision is made that the attorney is placed in a category or categories different than those requested, he or she will be notified in writing. If an attorney disputes their category placement, he/she may submit their reason for such dispute. The dispute will then be considered by the County and/or District Court judges and a decision, made by a majority of the County and/or District Court judges will be provided to the attorney, in writing. Any private attorney on the panel may request to be removed from the panel at any time by sending a letter to the Lancaster County Court Appointment Coordinator, 575 South 10th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508, or by sending an email to nsc.lancaster.cc@nebraska.gov.
H. Maintenance of Panel. An attorney may be removed or suspended as appropriate, from one or more appointment categories by a majority decision of the County and/or District Court judges (depending upon the category). If an attorney is removed or suspended, he/she will be notified in writing. If an attorney disputes removal or suspension, he/she may respond by submitting a reason for the dispute and a current resume to the Court at the address or email in Paragraph G above. Reinstatement will then be considered by the County and District Court judges.
I. Effective Date. This rule shall become effective January 1, 2015.
Approved November 26, 2014, effective January 1, 2015; (F) amended September 23, 2015.
Appendix A
Appendix A unanimousRule 3-14. Payment of Court-Appointed Counsel and Guardians Ad Litem
Rule 3-14. Payment of Court-Appointed Counsel and Guardians Ad LitemBefore the claim of any attorney appointed by the court in a criminal matter is allowed, such attorney shall make a written application as provided in Neb. Ct. R. § 6-1525(D). Before the claim of any court-appointed guardian ad litem is allowed, such guardian ad litem shall make a written motion that complies with Neb. Ct. R. § 6-1525(D). If the purpose of the motion is to secure an order requiring Lancaster County to compensate the guardian ad litem, the motion shall be set for hearing with notice given to the Lancaster County Attorney as it is given to any other party.
Approved July 14, 2004; amended June 12, 2013; amended July 2022, approved September 21, 2022.
Rules for Expanded Media Coverage in Nebraska Trial Courts: Third Judicial District County Court
Rules for Expanded Media Coverage in Nebraska Trial Courts: Third Judicial District County Court(Approved December 19, 2012; amendments approved October 15, 2014.)
Rule 1. Definitions.
Rule 1. Definitions."Expanded media coverage" includes broadcasting, televising, electronic recording, or photographing of judicial proceedings for the purpose of gathering and disseminating news to the public.
"Good cause" for purposes of exclusion under this chapter means that coverage will have a substantial effect upon the objector which would be qualitatively different from the effect on members of the public in general and that such effect will be qualitatively different from coverage by other types of media.
"Judge" means the judge presiding in a trial court proceeding.
"Judicial proceedings" or "proceedings" shall include all public trials, hearings, or other proceedings in a trial court, for which expanded media is requested, except those specifically excluded by this rule.
"Media coordinator" shall mean the Public Information Officer of the Nebraska Supreme Court.
"Media representative" shall mean Nebraska radio or television stations licensed by the Federal Communications Commission. In the event photographs are requested by a Nebraska newspaper, photographers must be employed by a recognized Nebraska news outlet.
Rule 2. General.
Rule 2. General.Broadcasting, televising, recording, and photographing will be permitted in the courtroom and adjacent areas during sessions of the court, including recesses between sessions, under the following conditions:
(A) Permission first shall have been granted expressly by the judge, who may prescribe such conditions of coverage as provided for in this rule.
(B) Expanded media coverage of a proceeding shall be permitted, unless the judge concludes, for reasons stated on the record, that under the circumstances of the particular proceeding such coverage would materially interfere with the rights of the parties to a fair trial.
(C) Expanded media coverage of a witness also may be refused by the judge upon objection and showing of good cause by the witness. In prosecutions for sexual abuse, or for charges in which sexual abuse is an included offense or an essential element of the charge, there shall be no expanded media coverage of the testimony of a victim/witness unless such witness consents. Further, an objection to coverage by a victim/witness in any other forcible felony prosecution, and by police informants, undercover agents, and relocated witnesses, shall enjoy a rebuttable presumption of validity. The presumption is rebutted by a showing that expanded media coverage will not have a substantial effect upon the particular individual objecting to such coverage which would be qualitatively different from the effect on members of the public in general and that such effect will not be qualitatively different from coverage by other types of media.
(D) Expanded media coverage is prohibited of any court proceeding which, under Nebraska law, is required to be held in private. In any event, no coverage shall be permitted in any juvenile, dissolution, adoption, child custody, or trade secret cases unless consent on the record is obtained from all parties (including a parent or guardian of a minor child).
(E) Expanded media coverage of jury selection is prohibited. Expanded media coverage of the return of the jury's verdict shall be permitted with permission of the judge. In all other circumstances, however, expanded media coverage of jurors is prohibited except to the extent it is unavoidable in the coverage of other trial participants or courtroom proceedings.
The policy of the rules is to prevent unnecessary or prolonged photographic or video coverage of individual jurors.
(F) There shall be no audio pickup or broadcast of conferences in a court proceeding between attorneys and their clients, between co-counsel or between counsel and the presiding judge held at the bench or in chambers.
(G) The quantity and types of equipment permitted in the courtroom shall be subject to the discretion of the judge within the guidelines as set out in these rules.
(H) Notwithstanding the provisions of any procedural or technical rules, the presiding judge, upon application of the media coordinator, may permit the use of equipment or techniques at variance therewith, provided the application for variance is included in the advance notice of coverage. All media representatives will direct communication through the media coordinator. Ruling upon such a variance application shall be in the sole discretion of the presiding judge. Such variances may be allowed by the presiding judge without advance application or notice if all counsel and parties consent to it.
(I) The judge may, as to any or all media participants, limit or terminate photographic or electronic media coverage at any time during the proceedings in the event the judge finds that rules have been violated or that substantial rights of individual participants or rights to a fair trial will be prejudiced by such manner of coverage if it is allowed to continue.
(J) The rights of photographic and electronic coverage provided for herein may be exercised only by persons or organizations which are part of the Nebraska news media.
(K) A judge may authorize expanded media coverage of ceremonial proceedings at variance with the procedural and technical rules as the judge sees fit.
Rule 3. Procedural.
Rule 3. Procedural.(A) Media Coordinator. The Public Information Officer of the Nebraska Supreme Court shall serve as the Media Coordinator. The judge and all interested members of the media shall work, whenever possible, with and through the media coordinator regarding all arrangements for expanded media coverage.
(B) Advance notice of coverage.
1. All requests by representatives of the news media to use photographic equipment or television cameras in the courtroom shall be made to the media coordinator. The media coordinator, in turn, shall inform counsel for all parties and the presiding judge at least 14 days in advance of the time the proceeding is scheduled to begin, but these times may be extended or reduced by court order. When the proceeding is not scheduled at least 14 days in advance, however, the media coordinator shall give notice of the request as soon as practicable after the proceeding is scheduled.
2. Notice shall be in writing and filed with the Judicial Administrator of the county court. A copy of the notice shall be sent to the last known address of all counsel of record, parties appearing without counsel, and the judge expected to preside at the proceeding for which expanded media coverage is being requested.
(C) Objections. A party to a proceeding objecting to expanded media coverage shall file a written objection, stating the grounds therefore, at least three days before commencement of the proceeding. All witnesses shall be advised by counsel proposing to introduce their testimony of their right to object to expanded media coverage, and all objections by witnesses shall be filed prior to commencement of the proceeding. All objections shall be heard and determined by the judge prior to the commencement of the proceedings. The judge may rule on the basis of the written objection alone. In addition, the objecting party or witness, and all other parties, may be afforded an opportunity to present additional evidence by affidavit or by such other means as the judge directs. The judge in absolute discretion may permit presentation of such evidence by the media coordinator in the same manner.
Time for filing of objections may be extended or reduced in the discretion of the judge, who also, in appropriate circumstances, may extend the right of objection to persons not specifically provided for in this rule.
Rule 4. Technical.
Rule 4. Technical.(A) Equipment specifications. Equipment to be used by the media in courtrooms during judicial proceedings must be unobtrusive and must not produce distracting sound. In addition, such equipment must satisfy the following criteria, where applicable:
1. Still cameras. Still cameras and lenses must be unobtrusive, without distracting light or sound.
2. Television cameras and related equipment. Television cameras are to be electronic and, together with any related equipment to be located in the courtroom, must be unobtrusive in both size and appearance, without distracting sound or light. Television cameras are to be designed or modified so that participants in the judicial proceedings being covered are unable to determine when recording is occurring.
3. Audio equipment. Microphones, wiring, and audio recording equipment shall be unobtrusive and shall be of adequate technical quality to prevent interference with the judicial proceeding being covered. Any changes in existing audio systems must be approved by the presiding judge. No modifications of existing systems shall be made at public expense. Microphones for use of counsel and judges shall be equipped with off/on switches.
4. Advance approval. It shall be the duty of media personnel to demonstrate to the presiding judge reasonably in advance of the proceeding that the equipment sought to be utilized meets the criteria set forth in this rule. Failure to obtain advance judicial approval for equipment may preclude its use in the proceeding. All media equipment and personnel shall be in place at least fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled time of commencement of the proceeding.
(B) Lighting. Other than light sources already existing in the courtroom, no flashbulbs or other artificial light device of any kind shall be employed in the courtroom. With the concurrence of the presiding judge however, modifications may be made in light sources existing in the courtroom (e.g., higher wattage light bulbs), provided such modifications are installed and maintained without public expense.
(C) Equipment and pooling. The following limitations on the amount of equipment and number of photographic and broadcast media personnel in the courtroom shall apply:
1. Still photography. Not more than one still photographer, using not more than two camera bodies and two lenses, shall be permitted in the courtroom during a judicial proceeding at any one time.
2. Television. Not more than one television camera, operated by not more than one camera person, shall be permitted in the courtroom during a judicial proceeding. Where possible, recording and broadcasting equipment which is not a component part of a television camera shall be located outside of the courtroom.
3. Audio. Not more than one audio system shall be set up in the courtroom for broadcast coverage of a judicial proceeding. Audio pickup for broadcast coverage shall be accomplished from any existing audio system present in the courtroom, if such pickup would be technically suitable for broadcast. Where possible, electronic audio recording equipment and any operating personnel shall be located outside of the courtroom. Exceptions may be made by the presiding judge to accommodate the pre-existing audio broadcast role for this Judicial District.
4. Pooling. Where the above limitations on equipment and personnel make it necessary, the media shall be required to pool equipment and personnel. Pooling arrangements shall be the sole responsibility of the media coordinator and representative, and the presiding judge shall not be called upon to mediate any dispute as to the appropriate media representatives authorized to cover a particular judicial proceeding.
(D) Location of equipment and personnel. Equipment and operating personnel shall be located in, and coverage of the proceedings shall take place from, an area or areas within the courtroom designated by the presiding judge. The area or areas designated shall provide reasonable access to the proceeding to be covered.
(E) Movement during proceedings. Television cameras and audio equipment may be installed in or removed from the courtroom only when the court is not in session. In addition, such equipment shall at all times be operated from a fixed position. Still photographers and broadcast media personnel shall not move about the courtroom while proceedings are in session, nor shall they engage in any movement which attracts undue attention. Still photographers shall not assume body positions inappropriate for spectators.
(F) Decorum. All still photographers and broadcast media personnel shall be properly attired and shall maintain proper courtroom decorum at all times while covering a judicial proceeding.
Rule 3-15. Courtroom Media Coverage
Rule 3-15. Courtroom Media CoveragePlease see Neb. Ct. R. §§ 6-2001 through 6-2005.
Approved effective January 29, 2008; amended October 21, 2008; amended June 23, 2010; amended September 9, 2010; amended October 16, 2013; amended November 26, 2014; amended September 23, 2015; amended September 21, 2016; amended July 2022, approved September 21, 2022.
Rule 3-16. File Retention
Rule 3-16. File RetentionCourt files, exhibits, court reporter notes and/or tapes/disks, and any and all other documents and records under the control of the Clerk of the District Court, even for storage purposes, relating to a criminal case are not to be destroyed so long as a defendant is under the custody of the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services (i.e., in custody or on parole) or subject to lifetime community supervision by the Office of Parole Administration. If a question arises about whether a file or documents relating to a particular criminal case older than 20 years should be destroyed, the judge to whom the case is assigned or, if not specifically assigned to a sitting judge, then the sentencing judge's successor, should be asked about the status of the case. (If there is not a successor judge, the case should be randomly reassigned and presented to the judge to whom it is assigned.)
Approved June 23, 2010.
Rule 3-17. Detainer Cases
Rule 3-17. Detainer CasesIt is the intent of the judges that a detainer case be set for the next available jury term of the assigned judge at the time of arraignment. Therefore, if a person makes a request for disposition of untried charges under either the Agreement on Detainers, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 29-759, or the provisions addressing disposition of untried charges, Neb. Rev. Stat. § 29-3801 et seq., the county attorney shall promptly notify the judge to whom the case is assigned. If the request was made while the case was pending in county court the judge shall be notified when the case is bound over to district court.
Approved June 23, 2010.
Rule 3-18. Problem-Solving Courts
Rule 3-18. Problem-Solving CourtsA. Rules for operation of problem-solving courts in the Third Judicial District.
(1) All problem-solving courts, also denominated as specialty courts, and alternative disposition courts, shall be operated pursuant to and in compliance with chapter 6, article 12, of the Nebraska Supreme Court Rules regarding trial courts.
(2) Before commencing any operations, all problem-solving courts to be operated in the Third Judicial District shall be approved by the Nebraska Supreme Court.
B. Presiding judge; assignment of judges; and succession plan for problem-solving court judges.
(1) The Third Judicial District's Problem-Solving Court programs shall be presided over by a district judge selected by the district court judges of the Third Judicial District.
(2) The presiding judges so appointed shall serve in any or all of the divisions of the problem-solving court and may serve under a temporary or permanent assignment. A permanently assigned judge shall serve a term of not less than 3 consecutive years. A temporary judge assignment shall not exceed 1 year and shall be a transitional or interim position.
(3) Prior to assuming the position of a problem-solving court judge, or as soon thereafter as is practical, the assigned judge shall attend a judicial training program administered by the National Drug Court Institute or other training program approved by the State's Problem-Solving Court Coordinator. At least every 3 years after the initial training, each problem-solving court judge shall attend training events complying with the Nebraska Problem-Solving Court standards.
(4) On or before May 1, 2017, and every 3 years thereafter, the district court judges of the Third Judicial District, with the consent of the assigned judge, shall designate a successor judge who shall immediately succeed the presiding judge in the event of the presiding judge's death, disability, retirement, resignation, removal, elevation to another court, or failure to be retained. Such successor judge shall attend training in advance of service, pursuant to subsection (4) above, in order to allow the successor judge to immediately assume the position of presiding problem-solving court judge upon the occurrence of a vacancy.
(5) As of the date of adoption, the following judges shall preside in the district's problem-solving courts:
(a) Adult Drug Court
(i) Presiding judge(s): Ryan S. Post and (retired judge) John A. Colborn
(ii) Successor judge(s): Jodi L. Nelson, Andrew R. Jacobsen, Lori A. Maret, Susan I. Strong, or Matthew O. Mellor
(b) Veterans Treatment Court
(i) Presiding judge(s): Kevin R. McManaman and (retired judge) John A. Colborn
(ii) Successor judge(s): Jodi L. Nelson, Andrew R. Jacobsen, Lori A. Maret, Susan I. Strong, or Matthew O. Mellor
(c) DUI Court
(i) Presiding judge(s): Darla S. Ideus and (retired judge) John A. Colborn
(ii) Successor judge(s): Jodi L. Nelson, Andrew R. Jacobsen, Lori A. Maret, Susan I. Strong, or Matthew O. Mellor
(d) Reentry Courts: none in operation
(e) Mental Health Courts: none in operation
Rule 3-18 approved May 17, 2017; amended July 2022, approved September 21, 2022; amended September 6, 2023; amended May 8, 2024.
Rule 3-19. Emergency Modified Court Operations
Rule 3-19. Emergency Modified Court OperationsThe following rule has been jointly adopted by the County Court, District Court, and Separate Juvenile Court in Lancaster County, Nebraska, and sets out the procedures governing emergency modified court operations in this district.
1. Emergency modified court operations will be implemented when an emergency exists, arises, or is declared that substantially impairs the ability of the courts to operate or that jeopardizes the health and safety of persons who work in or utilize the courts in a manner that cannot otherwise be managed without significant modifications to court operations.
2. The decision to implement emergency modified court operations as well as the decision to return to normal operations will be made collectively by the presiding judges of the District Court, County Court, and Separate Juvenile Court of Lancaster County (the “Emergency Committee”) after consultation with the judges of those courts and, when appropriate, consultation with public health and safety partners which may include, but is not limited to, Emergency Management, Lincoln/Lancaster County Health Department, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, and state/local law enforcement agencies.
3. In addition to the judges, other stakeholders to be included in any planning and implementation of modified court operations may include, but is not limited to: the Clerk of the District Court, the Clerk of the County Court, District Court Administrator, County Court Administrator, Juvenile Court Administrator, Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office, including courthouse security personnel, Lincoln Police Department, Lancaster County Board of Commissioners, Lincoln/Lancaster County Building Commission, Lancaster County Corrections, Nebraska Department of Correctional Services, Lancaster County Attorney, Lancaster County Public Defender, Lincoln City Attorney, Lancaster County Youth Detention Center, Lincoln/Lancaster County Health Department, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Probation Administration, Emergency Management, State and Local Information Services.
This list of stakeholders is not exhaustive. Others may be added and/or consulted as the need arises.
4. It will be the duty of the presiding judge of the District Court to coordinate and facilitate communication with the group of justice stakeholders to develop and implement any emergency modified court operations plan. This single point of contact for facilitating and coordinating information and communication is intended to streamline efforts to develop and implement any necessary modifications to court services, communicate those modifications to stakeholders, as well as to plan, implement, and communicate when normal operations may resume.
5. Any modified court operations plan will, at a minimum, consider and address the following mission essential functions:
a. District and County Court arraignments, including those for people in custody;
b. District and County Court bond reviews, including those for people in custody;
c. Appointment of counsel;
d. Protection orders, including how applicants will apply and how to hold hearings;
e. Ex parte motions;
f. Clerk’s accepting/processing new cases and new pleadings;
g. Pleas and sentencings, including for those who are in custody;
h. Landlord/Tenant cases;
i. Probate and adoption cases;
j. Civil and criminal jury trials in District and County Court;
k. Processing probable cause affidavits;
l. Processing arrest/search warrants;
m. Juvenile emergency custody/detention hearings;
n. Providing public access to the courts;
o. Receipt, deposit, and accounting for money paid to the court;
p. Appeals;
q. Habeas Corpus petitions;
r. Injunctions;
s. Mental Health Board proceedings;
t. Establishment and enforcement of child support; and
u. Competency hearings.
6. When emergency modified court operations are implemented or discontinued, court users and the public will be notified by the presiding judge of the District, County, and Juvenile Court issuing notice and copies of the modified court operations plans to:
a. Local print and broadcast media,
b. The Nebraska Bar Association,
c. The Lincoln Bar Association,
d. The Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation,
e. The Clerks of the District and County Courts,
f. By posting in the Hall of Justice,
g. State and local law enforcement agencies,
h. County Corrections, Juvenile Detention, and Nebraska Department of Correctional Services,
i. Local Adult and Juvenile Probation,
j. And by any other means likely to reach those in need of such information.
Rule 3-19 approved March 16, 2022.
County Court Emergency Modified Court Operations for the Third Judicial District
County Court Emergency Modified Court Operations for the Third Judicial DistrictThe following rule has been jointly adopted by the County Court, District Court, and Separate Juvenile Court in Lancaster County, Nebraska, and sets out the procedures governing emergency modified court operations in this district.
1. Emergency modified court operations will be implemented when an emergency exists, arises, or is declared that substantially impairs the ability of the courts to operate or that jeopardizes the health and safety of persons who work in or utilize the courts in a manner that cannot otherwise be managed without significant modifications to court operations.
2. The decision to implement emergency modified court operations as well as the decision to return to normal operations will be made collectively by the presiding judges of the District Court, County Court, and Separate Juvenile Court of Lancaster County (the “Emergency Committee”) after consultation with the judges of those courts and, when appropriate, consultation with public health and safety partners which may include, but is not limited to, Emergency Management, Lincoln/Lancaster County Health Department, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, and state/local law enforcement agencies.
3. In addition to the judges, other stakeholders to be included in any planning and implementation of modified court operations may include, but is not limited to: the Clerk of the District Court, the Clerk of the County Court, District Court Administrator, County Court Administrator, Juvenile Court Administrator, Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office, including courthouse security personnel, Lincoln Police Department, Lancaster County Board of Commissioners, Lincoln/Lancaster County Building Commission, Lancaster County Corrections, Nebraska Department of Correctional Services, Lancaster County Attorney, Lancaster County Public Defender, Lincoln City Attorney, Lancaster County Youth Detention Center, Lincoln/Lancaster County Health Department, Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Probation Administration, Emergency Management, State and Local Information Services.
This list of stakeholders is not exhaustive. Others may be added and/or consulted as the need arises.
4. It will be the duty of the presiding judge of the District Court to coordinate and facilitate communication with the group of justice stakeholders to develop and implement any emergency modified court operations plan. This single point of contact for facilitating and coordinating information and communication is intended to streamline efforts to develop and implement any necessary modifications to court services, communicate those modifications to stakeholders, as well as to plan, implement, and communicate when normal operations may resume.
5. Any modified court operations plan will, at a minimum, consider and address the following mission essential functions:
a. District and County Court arraignments, including those for people in custody;
b. District and County Court bond reviews, including those for people in custody;
c. Appointment of counsel;
d. Protection orders, including how applicants will apply and how to hold hearings;
e. Ex parte motions;
f. Clerk’s accepting/processing new cases and new pleadings;
g. Pleas and sentencings, including for those who are in custody;
h. Landlord/Tenant cases;
i. Probate and adoption cases;
j. Civil and criminal jury trials in District and County Court;
k. Processing probable cause affidavits;
l. Processing arrest/search warrants;
m. Juvenile emergency custody/detention hearings;
n. Providing public access to the courts;
o. Receipt, deposit, and accounting for money paid to the court;
p. Appeals;
q. Habeas Corpus petitions;
r. Injunctions;
s. Mental Health Board proceedings;
t. Establishment and enforcement of child support; and
u. Competency hearings.
6. When emergency modified court operations are implemented or discontinued, court users and the public will be notified by the presiding judge of the District, County, and Juvenile Court issuing notice and copies of the modified court operations plans to:
a. Local print and broadcast media,
b. The Nebraska Bar Association,
c. The Lincoln Bar Association,
d. The Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation,
e. The Clerks of the District and County Courts,
f. By posting in the Hall of Justice,
g. State and local law enforcement agencies,
h. County Corrections, Juvenile Detention, and Nebraska Department of Correctional Services,
i. Local Adult and Juvenile Probation,
j. And by any other means likely to reach those in need of such information.
Approved March 22, 2023.
Protocol for Use of Remote Technology for Court Proceedings
Protocol for Use of Remote Technology for Court ProceedingsA. It shall be presumed that all court proceedings in the Third Judicial District will be conducted in person. However, court proceedings may be conducted by telephone, videoconferencing, or similar methods (“remote technology”) as follows:
1. In its discretion, the Court may order that a court proceeding not involving testimony of witnesses by oral examination be conducted by remote technology.
2. By agreement of the parties, and with permission of the Court, any court proceeding may be conducted by remote technology.
3. In any civil case involving testimony of witnesses by oral examination where the parties disagree regarding the use of remote technology for a court proceeding, the parties shall avail themselves of the procedure set out in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 24-734(5).
4. If Emergency Modified Court Operations are in effect, the administrative orders recommended by the Emergency Committee for the Third Judicial District and issued by the respective courts shall govern the use of remote technology for court proceedings.
B. To schedule a court proceeding that is to be conducted by remote technology, the parties shall contact the appropriate court representative (i.e., Bailiff, Judicial Assistant, etc.) to receive instructions and, if necessary, a case-specific invitation to participate in the court proceeding.
C. For court proceedings conducted by remote technology, a party intending to offer exhibits shall provide the exhibits to the court reporting personnel and all opposing parties in a timely manner prior to the hearing, or as otherwise provided by law. Exhibits shall be in PDF format unless approved in advance by the court reporting personnel. Exhibits or affidavits that exceed an aggregate total, often (10) pages, shall be submitted to the Court in hard copy.
D. Supreme Court Rules and Local Rules of the Third Judicial District governing courtroom decorum and participation by videoconferencing shall apply to court proceedings conducted by remote technology.
Approved February 8, 2023.
Rule 3-20. Protocol for Use of Remote Technology for Court Proceedings
Rule 3-20. Protocol for Use of Remote Technology for Court ProceedingsA. It shall be presumed that all court proceedings in the Third Judicial District will be conducted in person. However, court proceedings may be conducted by telephone, videoconferencing, or similar methods (“remote technology”) as follows:
1. In its discretion, the Court may order that a court proceeding not involving testimony of witnesses by oral examination be conducted by remote technology.
2. By agreement of the parties, and with permission of the Court, any court proceeding may be conducted by remote technology.
3. In any civil case involving testimony of witnesses by oral examination where the parties disagree regarding the use of remote technology for a court proceeding, the parties shall avail themselves of the procedure set out in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 24-734(5).
4. If Emergency Modified Court Operations are in effect, the administrative orders recommended by the Emergency Committee for the Third Judicial District and issued by the respective courts shall govern the use of remote technology for court proceedings.
B. To schedule a court proceeding that is to be conducted by remote technology, the parties shall contact the appropriate court representative (i.e., Bailiff, Judicial Assistant, etc.) to receive instructions and, if necessary, a case-specific invitation to participate in the court proceeding.
C. For court proceedings conducted by remote technology, a party intending to offer exhibits shall provide the exhibits to the court reporting personnel and all opposing parties in a timely manner prior to the hearing, or as otherwise provided by law. Exhibits shall be in PDF format unless approved in advance by the court reporting personnel. Exhibits or affidavits that exceed an aggregate total, often (10) pages, shall be submitted to the Court in hard copy.
D. Supreme Court Rules and Local Rules of the Third Judicial District governing courtroom decorum and participation by videoconferencing shall apply to court proceedings conducted by remote technology.
Approved October 26, 2022.
Rule 3-21. Appeals
Rule 3-21. AppealsThe following rule sets out procedures in this district governing appeals from the county court and proceedings for review under the Administrative Procedure Act.
A. Briefs
(1) Unless otherwise ordered by the court, the briefs listed below must be filed within the times stated in these rules. Requests for additional time to file briefs shall be supported by a showing of good cause.
(a) Appellant’s or Petitioner’s brief must be served and filed within 30 days after the date the bill of exceptions is filed in the district court as provided in Neb. Ct. R. § 6-1518. If no request for preparation of a bill of exceptions is filed, Appellant’s or Petitioner’s briefs must be served and filed within 30 days after the transcript is filed in the district court, unless the court directs otherwise.
(b) Appellee’s or Respondent’s brief must be served and filed within 30 days after the Appellant or Petitioner has served and filed briefs.
(c) Appellant’s or Petitioner’s reply brief must be served and filed within 10 days after Appellee or Respondent has served and filed briefs.
B. Oral argument.
(1) A time of hearing shall be secured by contacting the judge’s bailiff. Notice of said hearing shall be mailed or personally delivered to opposing counsel or party, if not represented by counsel, on or before the date Appellant’s or Petitioner’s brief is served and filed.
(2) Unless ordered by the court, no oral argument is allowed in any appeal from the county court in any criminal case:
(a) Where the accused entered a plea of guilty or no contest; or
(b) Where the sole allegation of error is that the sentence imposed was excessive or excessively lenient or the trial court refused to reduce the sentence upon application of the defendant.
(3) Cases to be submitted without argument may be submitted at any time after the time for filing the Appellant's reply brief has expired.
(4) Unless otherwise ordered by the court, oral argument shall not exceed 10 minutes per side in any civil or criminal case. On the court’s own motion or on motion by a party, additional time may be granted by a showing of good cause.
(5) Unless otherwise directed by the court, the parties may elect to waive oral argument and submit a case solely on the briefs. Such notice to waive oral argument shall be filed with the Clerk of the District Court and separately communicated to the judge’s bailiff at least 3 days prior to the date of hearing.
Amended July 2022, approved September 21, 2022.