Annual Judicial Branch Recognition Committee
The Judicial Branch Recognition Committee shall consider all nominations. The Committee will evaluate candidates on the basis of uniform criteria and make recommendations to the State Court Administrator and State Probation Administrator. The Committee shall consist of the previous year’s award recipients as well as an equal number of Branch employees who will be randomly selected. The committee will include, but is not limited to the following:
- One Clerk Magistrate/Judicial Administrator
- One Chief Probation Officer
- One Clerk of the District Court
- One county court employee
- One probation employee
- Deputy State Court Administrator for Court Programs and Services
- Deputy Probation Administrator
The chairperson is a permanent standing member of the committee and all other members shall be appointed to one-year terms. Members may be re-appointed.
Members of the Judicial Branch Recognition Committee shall recuse themselves and refrain from voting if someone is nominated for award from their district. If a member of the Committee is nominated for an award, that member will be excused from the room during the discussion and voting for that award.