Rehabilitative Services
Rehabilitative Services is a unit within the Adult Probation Services and Juvenile Probation Services Divisions led by Assistant Deputy Kimberley Mundil. Nebraska Probation’s Rehabilitative Services is focused on the development, in-system training and implementation of behavioral health and supportive (or non-clinical) services for our adult and youth clients within Probation or Problem-Solving Courts. These services are delivered through Probation’s network of Registered Service Providers, who obtain specialized training to better understand the risk and needs of our justice populations. Nebraska Probation is committed to reducing financial barriers so identified clients are afforded the opportunity to access behavioral health and other supportive services. In 2006, Nebraska Probation began offering financial assistance (Fee for Service) to reduce financial barriers to those individuals and families where a financial barrier to service access existed and all other resources had been exhausted. Click for brochure
What does Probation’s Rehabilitative Services Provide?
As part of Nebraska Probation’s services to the Courts providing presentence/predisposition investigations and case management/supervision for adult and youth probationers at all stages, including traditional probation and specialized supervision, post-release supervision and problem-solving court participants, Rehabilitative Services is charged with ensuring all behavioral health and supportive services are high quality and evidence-based. Rehabilitative Services staff also work with Registered Service Providers and probation staff statewide regarding service development, training and implementation. These functions are defined and dictated in Nebraska Court Rule § 6-1301. (Rules on Standardized Model for Delivery of Substance Use Services.); Nebraska Revised Statute 29-2246 (Definition of treatment relating to substance use, mental health, sex offenses, or domestic violence.); and Nebraska Revised Statute 29-2252 (Probation Administrator’s use of funds for rehabilitation services.)
Standardized Model for the Delivery of Substance Use Services
Probation and Problem-Solving Court officers use behavioral health screens and risk/need assessment tools to assist in identifying needed evaluation, treatment or other supportive services that can be ordered by the Court during Pre-adjudication, investigation or supervision. Supported by a Supreme Court rule, the Standardized Model for the Delivery of Substance Use Services is used to recognize the connection between substance use and crime/delinquency and effectively address it through treatment. Rehabilitative Services is responsible for ensuring the application of the Model and its attachments by both Probation, Problem-Solving Courts and Registered Service Providers. Implemented in 2006, the Standardized Model was updated to reflect current evidenced-based practices, language and the incorporation of co-occurring disorders.
Contact Information
Robert Denton, Deputy Administrator | State Capitol, Rm 1211 |
(402)471.1752 |
Kimberley Mundil, Assistant Deputy Administrator for Rehabilitative Services | 521 S. 14th St., Rm 220 |
(402)326.0495 |
Vacant, Utilization Management Specialist |
Quality Compliance Reviewers at |
(888)471.0869 OPT 2 |
Lori Mimick, Service Quality Assurance Specialist |
Renee Faber, Provider Network Specialist | (402)326.4909 | |
Network Provider Assistants at |
(888)471.0869 OPT 1 |
Kimberley Mundil
Assistant Deputy Administrator for Rehabilitative Services,
Community-Based Programs and Field Services Division
Administrative Office of the Courts & Probation
521 S. 14th St., Rm 220
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: (402) 326-0495