Community Engagement and Public Information

Community Engagement and Public Information

The Judicial Branch sponsors a variety of educational outreach projects, some offered by individual courts and some in partnership with the Nebraska State Bar Foundation's State Center for Civics Education.

Nebraska judges, court staff and probation professionals regularly speak to community and student groups both in the State Capitol and in their communities.  Members of the Judicial Branch are committed to maintaining public awareness of the court system and providing law-related education to both students and adults in an effort to ensure that Nebraskans understand the workings of our democratic institutions and have confidence in our court system.

Student/Youth Programs

Public Education and Outreach Promoting Law & Equity (PEOPLE) Committee

The two primary youth programs jointly sponsored by the Court and the State Bar Foundation PEOPLE Law-Related Education Sub-Committee are tied to nationally recognized events: Constitution Day (September 17) and Law Day (May 1) with Law Day Job Shadowing.  Judges and court staff across the state also participate in Mock Trial.

Adult Programs

Public Education and Outreach Promoting Law & Equity (PEOPLE) Committee

The Media Sub-Committee of the PEOPLE Committee develops materials for spokespersons to communicate with the media, recruits lawyers statewide to act as spokespersons, and educates members of the media (reporters and editors) and journalism classes (high school and post-secondary) about the role of the judiciary.

The subcommittee has extended its mission to include educating of other adults involved in the court system, including voters and jurors.

Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Outreach

Nebraska’s Appellate Courts provide outreach programming focused on colleges and law schools. Oral arguments are held at colleges twice per year.  Argument sessions are followed by open question/answer sessions with students.