OPG Webinars
Annual Reporting
This webinar discusses annual reporting responsibilities for guardians and conservators of both adults and minors. Use this webinar to learn about keeping appropriate records and filing court forms for wards and protected persons.
Guardianship and Conservatorship: Key Terms and Concepts
This short webinar will aim to help participants Understand guardianship and conservatorship proceedings, frequently used terms related to guardianship and conservatorship, possible areas of responsibility for guardians and conservators, and the variety of different types of guardianships that exist in Nebraska.
Rules and Forms Changes (Effective April 1, 2020)
This webinar covers rules and forms changes for Guardianships and conservatorships that went into effect April 1st, 2020. The changes apply to both new and existing guardianships and conservatorships.
Change of Address
This webinar will review the process for a guardian and/or conservator to report a change of address for their ward and/or protected person. Learners will identify when a change of address should be filed, how to access and complete the necessary forms, and file the forms with the court including mailing copies to interested parties.