

Except for Small Claims Court, landlords that are a corporation or LLC cannot represent themselves in court, and must be represented by an attorney.

Court forms are not currently available for this category.

Filing for return of property

Two methods exist for landlords to file for return (vacating) of property:

  1. Landlord/tenant cases are proceedings for restitution of premises.

Statutory information can be found: Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 76-1401 through 76-14,111.

2. Forcible entry and detainer cases are proceedings for restoring possession of land or tenements to one who has been wrongfully deprived of its possession.

Statutory information can be found: Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 25-21,219 through 25-21,235.

Notice shall be given to the adverse party 3 days prior to commencing the forcible entry and detainer action pursuant Neb. Rev. Stat. § 25-21,221.

Filing for dollar judgement after property is vacated

If the property has been vacated and the landlord wants to file a court case for only a dollar judgement for rent, damages, etc., filing in Small Claims may be an option. For more information on Small Claims click here.