Programs & Services
The Nebraska Judicial Branch is responsible for managing a number of statewide court services and programs. These programs range from offering assistance in the courtroom (for individuals who want to represent themselves or need language interpreters) to those who wish to become mediators or need assistance with guardianships.
The branch also sponsors a series of community-based projects that fall under the category of educational outreach. From sponsorship of ‘Adoption Saturday’ to Law and Constitution Day celebrations to travelling appellate-level arguments, the Judicial Branch is committed to maintaining public awareness of the court system and providing law-related education to both students and adults.
Probation offices and probation-related services are a prominent feature in nearly every Nebraska community with Probation Reporting Centers and probation-related services in each office or courthouse from Auburn to Chadron.
Photo: The Supreme Court prepares to hear oral arguments in front of area schools in Minden.