District Court Judges

District Court Judges

Addresses listed are the designated “home courts” for the judge shown. Judges have jurisdiction throughout their district to conduct court business.

To see a full listing of courthouse addresses, view the District Court Clerk listing.

District: 1
County: Saline
P.O. Box 865
Wilber Nebraska 68465
Fax: (402) 821-3179
County: Gage
612 Grant Street, Room 11
Beatrice Nebraska 68310
Fax: (402) 223-1313
County: Johnson
4th & Broadway
P O Box 416
Tecumseh Nebraska 68450
Fax: (402) 274-5583
District: 2
County: Sarpy
1210 Golden Gate Dr
Papillion Nebraska 68046
Fax: (402) 593-4453
County: Sarpy
1210 Golden Gate Dr
Papillion Nebraska 68046
Fax: (402) 593-4453
County: Cass
346 Main Street, Room 303
Plattsmouth Nebraska 68048
Fax: (402) 296-9345
County: Sarpy
1210 Golden Gate Dr
Papillion Nebraska 68046
Fax: (402) 593-4453
District: 3
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
District: 4
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8152
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8151
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 444-8158
1701 Farnam St.
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: 402-444-7651
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8150
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 444-8156
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8155
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 444-8154
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 444-8163
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam St
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: 402-996-8163
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8164
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8165
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8161
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 444-4550
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8010
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8153
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8160
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8162
District: 5
County: Platte
P.O. Box 1188
Columbus Nebraska 68601
Fax: (402) 562-6718
County: Hamilton
P.O. Box 201
Aurora Nebraska 68818
Fax: (402) 694-2250
County: Saunders
387 N Chestnut Suite 6
Wahoo Nebraska 68066
Fax: (402) 443-8170
County: Seward
261 S. 8th St.
Ste. 145
Seward Nebraska 68434
Fax: (402) 643-2950
District: 6
County: Washington
1555 Colfax Street
Blair Nebraska 68008
Fax: (402) 426-6821
County: Dodge
428 N Broad Street
Fremont Nebraska 68025
Fax: (402) 727-2773
County: Dakota
1601 Broadway Street
P.O. Box 566
Dakota City Nebraska 68731
Fax: (402) 987-2117
District: 7
County: Madison
P.O. Box 249
Madison Nebraska 68748
Fax: (402) 454-2680
County: Madison
P.O. Box 249
Madison Nebraska 68748
Fax: (402) 454-2680
District: 8
County: Brown
P.O. Box 225
Ainsworth Nebraska 69210
Fax: (402) 387-0918
County: Howard
P.O. Box 74
St. Paul Nebraska 68873
Fax: (308) 754-4727
District: 9
County: Hall
111 W First
Grand Island Nebraska 68801
County: Hall
111 West First
Grand Island Nebraska 68801
County: Buffalo
P.O. Box 520
Kearney Nebraska 68848
Fax: (308) 233-3693
County: Buffalo
P.O. Box 520
Kearney Nebraska 68848
Fax: (308) 233-3693
District: 10
County: Adams
500 West 4th Street, Room 200
Hastings Nebraska 68901
Fax: (402) 461-7269
County: Phelps
P.O. Box 462
Holdrege Nebraska 68949
Fax: (308) 995-2282
District: 11
County: Red Willow
502 Norris Avenue
McCook Nebraska 69001
Fax: (308) 345-7907
County: Dawson
700 N Washington
Lexington Nebraska 68850
Fax: (308) 324-8847
County: Lincoln
301 N Jeffers St
North Platte Nebraska 69101
Fax: (308) 534-1757
County: Lincoln
301 N Jeffers St
North Platte Nebraska 69101
Fax: (308) 534-1757
District: 12
County: Scotts Bluff
1725 10th Street
Gering Nebraska 69341
Fax: (308) 436-6759
County: Scotts Bluff
1725 10th Street
Gering Nebraska 69341
Fax: (308) 436-6759
County: Box Butte
515 Box Butte Avenue
Alliance Nebraska 69301
Fax: (308) 762-7703
County: Cheyenne
P.O. Box 217
Sidney Nebraska 69162
Fax: (308) 254-7832