ODR Events

Parent-Child Contact Problems
When: Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. CST
Presenters: Timothy Braden. J.D. and David Hubbard, J.D.
CMEs: Approved for 1 DIPA hour
Program Overview: An advanced mediator training that will define parent-child contact problems (PCCP) and provide an overview of family dynamics. Factors that influence parent-child contact problems will be discussed including alienating parental behaviors (APBs) and multiple factors that predispose, precipitate, exacerbate, and perpetuate parent-child contact problems. Domestic Intimate Partner Abuse (DIPA), abuse and neglect in its many forms, unresolved parental conflict (UPC) and other types of behaviors or dynamics that may or may not exist in PCCP cases will be explored as well as a multifactor model for understanding these complex situations.
Additionally, practices, skills, strategies, and techniques will be shared to gain an accurate assessment of the situation and how to potentially minimize risks, address safety, and redefine success and what that might look like. The potential for bias will be explored with ideas on how a facilitator/mediator can maintain compassion, curiosity, and empathy.
Register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DK-Uw597SOCS3HJRiQ4zAg#/registration
Questions? david.hubbard@dc4dc.com