ODR Events

Immigration and What Mediators Should Know
When: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Time: 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. CST
Panel Members: Trevor Brezack, J.D. with Hatch & Dallon; Elena Reveiz, J.D. with Reveiz Law Firm; Joshua Waltjer, J.D. with Kendall, Crawford, & Reeker
Facilitators: Timothy Braden, David Hubbard, and Special Guest Arturo Miranda
CMEs: Approved for 1 general CME hour
Program Overview: Experienced immigration lawyers will share their ideas and thoughts on what mediators should know about the basics of Immigration Law, rights, and resources, and what role mediators might have in addressing situations that can arise with immigration issues. The treat of deportation, ICE raids, and the separation of family members will be discussed and how mediators might be involved. Bias and cultural matters will also be discussed with an opportunity for questions to the panel.
Register at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rtxTPcXyQqiP_f38A5mz3g#/registration
Questions? david.hubbard@dc4dc.com