Nebraska Probation System

Read the Nebraska Probation Strategic Plan: 2024-2029
The Legislature created the Office of Probation Administration and outlined administrative functions to provide central management of Probation services which, in turn, enhance public protection and offender rehabilitation.
Under the structure of the Nebraska Supreme Court and the Administrative Office of the Courts & Probation, Probation has faithfully worked to not only improve the safety of all Nebraskans, but moreover, to assist all juveniles and adults under our supervision to become productive citizens.
Probation officers make lasting changes in local communities by assisting both juveniles and adults to become productive members of society. Nebraska Probation utilizes individualized approaches focused on evidence-based principles and practices, and employs a dedicated and skilled professional staff to meet this goal. Providing this purposeful intervention, Nebraska Probation strives to continue to impact community safety for the better.
Gene Cotter was appointed State Probation Administrator effective February 1, 2025. He began his career in 1990 as a probation officer, serving the 12th Judicial District in Nebraska’s panhandle. He later served 20 counties in southeastern Nebraska as a juvenile and adult intensive supervision officer, before helping Nebraska develop one of its first Reporting Centers and a Specialized Substance Abuse Supervision Program in Lincoln that has since served as a roadmap for the evidence-based programming in which all probation programs are now founded.
Cotter was the Chief Probation Officer of the Lancaster County Adult Probation Office from 2009 to 2014 before moving to the Administrative Office, where he has served as the Interim Chief Information Officer, the Interim Director of Judicial Branch Education, an Assistant Deputy Probation Administrator for Adult Programs and Services, and in his current role for the past eight years
Gene holds a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Nebraska and a master’s degree in Critical and Creative Thinking with an emphasis in Organizational Science and Leadership from the University of Nebraska Omaha. He is a long-time member of the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA), where he also served on the Board of Directors. Gene is a graduate of the APPA Leadership Institute, and the Executive Leadership Training Program offered through the National Association of Probation Executives.
Gene Cotter
Probation Administrator
1445 K Street, State Capitol Room #1211
Lincoln, NE 68508
Phone: (402) 471-2141
Fax: 402-471-2197
Nebraska State Probation Mission:
As Nebraska Probation, our mission is to strengthen communities and promote victim safety.
We lead and serve with integrity, equity, and empathy to ensure every voice is heard.
We address the diverse needs of those we serve through evidence-based investigations and interventions.
Nebraska State Probation Vision:
Inspiring Hope
Empowering Individuals
Strengthening Communities
View infographic overviews of Nebraska Probation
Nebraska State Probation Statement of Values and Beliefs
To reach our Vision and accomplish our Mission, the Nebraska Probation System is guided by the following Values and Beliefs
We Believe in Dignity, Respect and Integrity:
- As Officers of the Court, we are held to a higher ethical standard. We take responsibility for treating employees, victims, offenders, and all others with dignity and respect in all interactions.
- Victims of crime are ensured a voice.
- Staff are valued and respected for who they are and what they do.
- We appreciate the cultural and gender differences of all.
We Believe in Professionalism:
- Probation staff adhere to a standard of excellence and serve as role models for all offenders.
- We value and show professionalism toward the courts, victims, offenders, colleagues, and community partners.
- We value a well-trained, highly-skilled professional staff.
- Being sensitive to the needs of victims and offenders is key to the success of our mission.
We Believe in Resourcefulness:
- We value evidence-based community correctional programming as a cost-effective alternative to incarceration.
- A creative and innovative staff is our greatest resource.
- Investing in juvenile justice ultimately reduces recidivism.
We Believe in Excellence in Strength-Based Services:
- Vital to rehabilitation and accountability is community-based cooperation and collaboration.
- Solid Probation practices based on proven research is fundamental to our success.
- Positive change is achievable.
- Treatment is a means of crime control.
- Developing competencies in the youth of today will lead to better citizens of tomorrow.
- Building on the strengths of offenders creates a basis for positive growth and change.
Questions, feedback, or concerns?
If you have questions, feedback or concerns about the delivery of probation programs and services in your area, please let us know at the email address below. Your input is important to us. Thank you!