Lawyer Ethics Opinions

Lawyer Ethics Opinions

Lawyer's Advisory Committee Opinions

Membership, Authority and Procedure

The eight members of the Lawyers' Advisory Committee are attorneys appointed by the Nebraska Supreme Court. Each Supreme Court Judicial District is represented on the Committee and the chairperson and vice chairperson are selected at large.

Pursuant to Rule of Discipline 5, the Advisory Committee may render, upon the request of a Nebraska attorney, an advisory opinion or an interpretation of the 'Rules of Professional Conduct' regarding anticipatory conduct on the part of the requesting attorney. An attorney requesting an opinion from the Advisory Committee must prepare and submit a statement of the specific facts upon which the opinion is requested and a memorandum directing the attention of the Committee to the pertinent 'Rules of Professional Conduct' and relevant case authority. The chairperson of the Advisory Committee may waive this requirement in appropriate cases.

All opinions are filed with and distributed through the Counsel for Discipline. Opinions from 1968 to present are available at this site. Select the year in the drop down menu for which year you'd like to view. Please note that the Lawyer's Rules of Professional Conduct was revised effective September 1, 2005. Opinions before the revision have not necessarily been revised to fit the current Rules.

Number: 25-01
Year: 2025
Question Presented:

When the Lancaster County Board employs its Chief Administrative Officer (“CAO”) as additional counsel to represent the County in civil matters pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 23-1203, and an employee of the County (“Employee”) obtains advice on a matter from the CAO, then later requests an opinion and advice on the same matter from the County Attorney also pursuant to Section 23-1203, may the CAO prevent the Employee from communicating with the County Attorney regarding the matter by declining consent, as contemplated by Neb. R. Prof. C. 4.2?

Number: 24-03
Year: 2024
Question Presented:

1) Do Nebraska statutes, Supreme Court Rules, and/or local court rules that require court-appointed counsel to electronically file motions with the lawyer’s itemized billing statements (which include an itemization of the services provided to the indigent-client) for attorney compensation violate the Nebraska Rules of Professional Conduct, specifically §3-501.6, the rule of confidentiality?

2) Does a lawyer violate the Nebraska Rules of Professional Conduct, specifically §3-501.6, the rule of confidentiality, if the lawyer electronically files itemized billing statements, but redacts or otherwise makes efforts to not include confidential information?

Number: 24-02
Year: 2024
Question Presented:

1) Whether a conflict of interest arises when an attorney continues to represent a client in a personal injury lawsuit while the attorney and client are co-Defendants in a separate lawsuit arising out of the litigation of the personal injury lawsuit. 

2) Whether the conflict of interest arising out of the attorney’s continued representation of Plaintiff in the underlying personal injury lawsuit is waivable. 

Number: 24-01
Year: 2024
Question Presented:

Is it proper for a public defender's office to to represent two clients concurrently when client 1 will be informing on and/or participating in a sting operation involving client 2?

Number: 23-03
Year: 2023
Question Presented:

Is it proper for a lawyer to refer a client to a licensed insurance agent and receive a “split commission” from the agent or insurance company for said referral? 

Number: 23-02
Year: 2023
Question Presented:

1) May a lawyer associated with a firm represent a client before a state agency led by an elected official who is also associated with that firm, so long as the official recuses himself or herself from matters involving that lawyer’s representation.  2) May a lawyer of the firm represent a client before a commission to which another licensed member of the firm is an appointed commissioner so long as the commissioner recuses himself or herself from matters involving that lawyer’s representation?  3) Are all members of a firm disqualified under the Rules of Professional Conduct from representing clients before the state agency or the commission led by the official or the commissioner?

Number: 23-01
Year: 2023
Question Presented:

1) May lawyers Carbon Copy (CC) or Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) their own client on an email to opposing counsel?  2) Does the receiving lawyer violate ethics rules by “replying all” to an email where opposing counsel has CC’d opposing counsel’s own client?

Number: 22-03
Year: 2022
Question Presented:

1) Can a Nebraska licensed attorney invest in a medical cannabis business in another state where the business is legal in that state?  2) If the investment by the attorney is found to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct in Nebraska, could the investment be made by the spouse of the attorney?  3) Can a Nebraska licensed attorney advise Nebraska clients on how to deal with employment issues surrounding medical cannabis where the client has employees who live in a state where cannabis is legal, but whose employees are employed in Nebraska?

Number: 22-02
Year: 2022
Question Presented:

1) Do Nebraska statutes and the Nebraska Rules of Professional Conduct (the “Rules”) require counsel for the Nebraska State Patrol (the “Patrol”) to provide legal advice to all Patrol employees, or only those Patrol employees not represented privately?    

2) In the case of a conflict between the Nebraska statute requiring Patrol counsel to advise the Patrol on all legal matters, and the Rules, which prevails?    

3) May Patrol attorneys advise Patrol employees in their official capacity in relation to actions undertaken in the course and scope of their duties when the employee has private representation regarding the same conduct?    

4) May private counsel direct a Patrol attorney to have no contact with a Patrol employee regarding the employee’s official duties or actions?    

5) Are Patrol attorneys inherently adverse to the personal or professional interests of Patrol employees following an in-custody death, such that the Rules prevent Patrol attorneys from advising Patrol employees, even when there is unanimity of interests between the Patrol and the employee?

Number: 22-01
Year: 2022
Question Presented:

1) May a deputy county attorney or a part-time county attorney represent a defendant in a criminal case alleging a violation of Nebraska law, in matters pending in other counties?    

2) May a part-time deputy county attorney represent clients in family law cases involving the support of a child?    

3) May a part-time deputy county attorney represent private clients in probate matters involving inheritance tax determinations within the county they serve?

Number: 20-02
Year: 2020
Question Presented:

May a person/entity or group of defendants who are parties to pending litigation in a district court lawsuit brought by a plaintiff who is a trustee of a trust recommend a list of attorneys and pay for the non-party trust beneficiaries’ legal services needed to bring a county court action to remove the trustee?

Number: 20-01
Year: 2020
Question Presented:

Whether the Rules of Professional Conduct prohibit a licensed attorney from seeking leave to appear as amicus curiae (friend of the court) in a civil matter before a trial court.

Number: 19-02
Year: 2019
Question Presented:

May a Nebraska law firm use a trade name or service mark which does not communicate the law firm’s professional entity designation (e.g., LLC or LLP)?

Number: 19-01
Year: 2019
Question Presented:

May an attorney transmit information relating to the representation of a client over the internet and allow for that information to be stored on, and accessed through, third-party, off-site servers (generically referred to as “the Cloud”)?

Number: 17-03
Year: 2017
Question Presented:

A.        May an attorney receive digital currencies such as bitcoin as payment for legal services?

B.        May an attorney receive digital currencies from third parties as payment for the benefit of a client's account?       

C.        May an attorney hold digital currencies in trust or escrow for clients?

Number: 17-02
Year: 2017
Question Presented:

A request has been made by a Nebraska attorney to amend or completely withdraw Nebraska Ethics Advisory Opinion for Lawyers No. 13-02.  As presently written, Opinion No. 13-02 concludes that a Nebraska Lawyer who is not licensed as a mediator under the Nebraska Parenting Act (Nebraska Revised Statutes §43-2921), should not mediate in cases involving proceedings or modifications where parenting functions are at issue (Nebraska Revised Statutes, Chapter 42 – Husband and Wife, and §§43-1401-1418 Infants and Juveniles).    

Number: 17-01
Year: 2017
Question Presented:

When a client file is closed, is it permissible to make an electronic copy of the file and then destroy the physical file immediately? 

Number: 15-04
Year: 2015
Question Presented:

May an Attorney enter directly into a contract for fees as a Guardian ad Litem with a County Board, bypassing the administrative Court Orders for Court Ordered payment, when that County Attorneys office files the original petition and represents a separate party in the case? The County Attorneys office represents the County in the contract negotiations with Attorneys who will appear as...

Number: 15-03
Year: 2015
Question Presented:

Whether a County Attorney may accept employment in the office of the Public Defender of the same county and, if so, what safeguards must be in place to avoid a conflict of interest in the representation of clients. Whether a lawyer, as Public Defender, represent clients in new cases that the lawyer has prosecuted in cases prior to leaving the County Attorney's office.

Number: 15-02
Year: 2015
Question Presented:

A Nebraska lawyer requested an opinion from the Nebraska Advisory Committee on two questions. Those questions are:May an attorney who has been elected as county attorney in one county accept appointments as guardian ad litem in another county in Nebraska?If not, does the conflict extend to other members of the attorneys private firm?