Lawyer Ethics Opinions

Lawyer Ethics Opinions

Lawyer's Advisory Committee Opinions

Membership, Authority and Procedure

The eight members of the Lawyers' Advisory Committee are attorneys appointed by the Nebraska Supreme Court. Each Supreme Court Judicial District is represented on the Committee and the chairperson and vice chairperson are selected at large.

Pursuant to Rule of Discipline 5, the Advisory Committee may render, upon the request of a Nebraska attorney, an advisory opinion or an interpretation of the 'Rules of Professional Conduct' regarding anticipatory conduct on the part of the requesting attorney. An attorney requesting an opinion from the Advisory Committee must prepare and submit a statement of the specific facts upon which the opinion is requested and a memorandum directing the attention of the Committee to the pertinent 'Rules of Professional Conduct' and relevant case authority. The chairperson of the Advisory Committee may waive this requirement in appropriate cases.

All opinions are filed with and distributed through the Counsel for Discipline. Opinions from 1968 to present are available at this site. Select the year in the drop down menu for which year you'd like to view. Please note that the Lawyer's Rules of Professional Conduct was revised effective September 1, 2005. Opinions before the revision have not necessarily been revised to fit the current Rules.

Number: 90-3
Year: 1990
Question Presented:

A County Attorney may ethically prosecute a second cousin in a criminal case if the County Attorney has had no social or business contact with the accused.

Number: 90-2
Year: 1990
Question Presented:

Generally, an attorney may not reveal the whereabouts of a former client where such information was received during the course of and in furtherance of the professional relationship. However, the attorney may ethically divulge the whereabouts of the client where the attorney determines that it is the intention of the client to commit a crime in the future, the attorney has obtained the consent of...

Number: 90-1
Year: 1990
Question Presented:

Under the facts presented, a County Public Defender should not represent a defendant convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to death in seeking to overturn the conviction and sentence in a Federal Habeas Corpus action where the grounds for relief involve alleged ineffective assistance of another lawyer in the Public Defender's office who is no longer associated with that office.

Number: 89-8
Year: 1989
Question Presented:

Under the facts presented, an attorney who holds stock in a corporation, is president of that corporation and negotiates and executes leases with third parties in his corporate capacity, is precluded from representing the corporation in a suit involving one of the leases where it is likely that the attorney or a member of his firm will be called as a witness. Other attorneys in the lawyer's firm...

Number: 89-7
Year: 1989
Question Presented:

A lawyer may send a "canned" newsletter to clients and nonclients provided the lawyer follows the guidelines set forth in DR 2-101, the newsletter is not false or misleading, and the lawyer properly identifies the author of the newsletter if it is not written by the lawyer. Opinion No. is hereby rescinded to the extent inconsistent herewith.

Number: 89-6
Year: 1989
Question Presented:

A deputy county attorney whose duties include prosecution of cases in the Juvenile Court, in which the Nebraska Department of Social Services may be involved, may prosecute such cases in the same county in which his sister is employed as a social worker with the Nebraska Department of Social Services. However, the lawyer must fully disclose the familial relationship to the court, all lawyers, and...

Number: 89-5
Year: 1989
Question Presented:

An attorney may not ethically participate in a "for profit lawyer referral service if the name used by the Referral Service implies that participating attorneys are "members" of an association of trial lawyers practicing in a specific area of law.

Number: 89-4
Year: 1989
Question Presented:

An attorney possessing unprivileged knowledge of a violation of the Code or Professional Responsibility has a duty to report the violation to the Counsel for Discipline. An attorney does not have a mandatory obligation to report a mere suspicion of a Code violation.

Number: 89-3
Year: 1989
Question Presented:

A lawyer may participate in a "for-profit" lawyer referral program if the lawyer does not give anything of value to the program for recommending the lawyer's services and if the program is in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Code of Professional Responsibility. The lawyer may offer reduced fees or a free consultation to those clients that have been referred under the legal...

Number: 89-2
Year: 1989
Question Presented:

Lawyers who maintain separate and independent practices but share certain office facilities, including reception area, conference rooms, library, computer systems, and receptionist and secretarial personnel, may represent adverse parties so long as the following precautions are met:There shall be no common access to the case files;There shall be no common access to any computerized data relating...

Number: 89-1
Year: 1989
Question Presented:

An attorney may ethically require from a judgment debtor whose wages the judgment creditor has garnished a sum equivalent to the projected garnishment proceeds due under the continuing garnishment lien in return for an immediate release of the garnishment order.

Number: 88-4
Year: 1988
Question Presented:

An attorney may solicit legal business for pecuniary gain by sending truthful and nondeceptive letters to prospective or potential clients known to face particular legal problems, subject to the requirements of the Code of Professional Responsibility concerning written communications.

Number: 88-3
Year: 1988
Question Presented:

It is not possible to state a definite time as to when closed client files may be destroyed. The retention or destruction of client files is primarily a matter of good judgment, weighing the clients' interests and expectations in the retention of file materials, the reasonably expected future usefulness of the file contents, the careful preservation of confidentiality, and the availability of...

Number: 88-2
Year: 1988
Question Presented:

The individual names of paralegals or legal assistants may be listed on a law firm's professional letterhead if the letterhead clearly indicates that such employees are not attorneys.

Number: 88-1
Year: 1988
Question Presented:

A "Chinese Wall" may not be used to avoid conflicts of interest in appellate and post-conviction cases in which the competency of prior Public Defender is challenged by a criminal defendant now represented by a Public Defender from the same office.

Number: 87-6
Year: 1987
Question Presented:

Under the facts presented, a County Public Defender representing a defendant convicted of first degree murder should not, for the purposes of seeking post-conviction relief on behalf of the defendant, allege that the prior County Public Defender and his staff provided ineffective assistance of counsel even though the present Public Defender was never associated with the prior Public Defender.

Number: 87-5
Year: 1987
Question Presented:

It is unethical for a County Attorney, while acting under his or her statutory duties, to bring an action to establish the paternity of children born out of wedlock and to subsequently represent either parent in a dispute over the custody of the minor children.

Number: 87-4
Year: 1987
Question Presented:

It is not, per se, a violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility for the lawyer for one party in a transaction to act as an escrow agent if all parties consent after full disclosure and if it appears obvious that the lawyer can adequately represent the interests of all parties. The consent should recognize the potential for conflicts of interest and a means to resolve the same. Acting as...

Number: 87-3
Year: 1987
Question Presented:

When a lawyer is appointed by a court or requested by a Bar Association to undertake representation of a person unable to obtain counsel, whether for financial or other reasons, the lawyer should not seek to be excused from undertaking the representation except for compelling reasons.

Number: 87-2
Year: 1987
Question Presented:

An attorney may participate in a "for profit" lawyer referral program if the attorney does not give anything of value to the program for recommending his services and if the program is in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Code of Professional Responsibility. It is the individual attorney's responsibility to assure the program's compliance with the Code.