Everyday Heroes
Find here the stories of our Branch's innovators, our go-getters, and our exemplary team workers. These highlights demonstrate the efforts of those who have gone ‘above and beyond’ to contribute to the mission, vision, and smooth operation of the third branch of government.
Administration needs your help. Nobody knows the work that goes on throughout the state better than you. Please send us nominations (nomination form below) for your Everyday Hero. The Court and Administrators want to hear anything and everything you are doing. These challenging times have been made inspiring by the work you do each day.
- 06.11.2020 - Honorable Sheryl Lohaus and Ron Murtaugh
- 06.17.2020 - Raquel Dringman, Linda Smith, and Gretchen Wiebe
- 06.27.2020 - Probation District 2 Drug Techs: Amber Bednar, Ekaterina Gilbertson, Roger Hartman, Frank Jenson, Seth Kupfer, and Stephen Slack
- 07.02.2020 - Lisa Langan, Shirley Stuart-Monroe, and Beth Pullen
- 07.09.2020 - Janet Wiechelman and Diane Sudbeck
- 07.16.2020 - Tanner Specht
- 07.23.2020 - Roger Witcofski
- 07.30.2020 - Jared Gavin
- 08.06.2020 - PPE Angels: Kady Agena, Susan Barnard, Anita Bietz, Renee Faber, Marcie Luhman, Cindy O’Connell, Chris Paget
- 08.13.2020 - Carole McMahon-Boies
- 08.20.2020 - Kimmie Fox
- 08.27.2020 - District 12 Judges & Clerks
- 09.04.2020 - Doug Stanton & Ross Tomjack
- 09.10.2020 - Ellen Faltys & Julie Bideaux
- 09.17.2020 - Probation 3A Support Staff
- 09.24.2020 - Amanda VanAsperen
- 10.01.2020 - Chris Hepburn
- 10.08.2020 - Cheyenne County District Court and Sheriff’s Office
- 10.15.2020 - Kyle Hohnholdt
- 10.22.2020 - Gene Cotter
- 10.29.2020 - Clerks of the District Court Jury Team Honored
- 11.05.2020 - Danielle Graybill Honored
- 11.12.2020 - Honorable Chad Brown Honored
- 11.19.2020 - Skyler Brouwer Honored
- 11.25.2020 - Judge Timothy Hoeft
- 12.03.2020 - Michael Miller and Mark Borges
- 12.10.2020 - Joyce Welsch
- 12.17.2020 - Katie Boyd, Stephanie Rosenthal, and Monica Malchow
- 01.07.2021 - Becky Boryca and Kathy Homolka
- 01.14.2021 - Lisa Maaske-Snider and Chad Dachtler
- 01.21.2021 - Jared Baker
- 01.28.2021 - Honorable Arthur Wetzel, Karen Borgheiinck and Sara Fowler
- 02.04.2021 - Rachel Olson, Sarah Deemer, and Twila Alexander
- 02.11.2021 - Language Access Team
- 02.18.2021 - Rob Owens
- 02.25.2021 - Honorable Alfred Corey
- 03.04.2021 - Mary Visek
- 03.11.2021 - Michelle Partusch
- 03.18.2021 - Honorable Robert Wester Katie Boyd, Stephanie Rosenthal, Monica Malchow, and Jill Russell
- 03.25.2021 - Leuders, Smith, & Manning
- 04.02.2021 - District 4A Drug Tech Team
- 04.09.2021 - Herrera & Ging
- 04.15.2021 - Morgan Farrell
- 04.22.2021 - Myndee Hagan
- 04.29.2021 - Jennifer Finigan
- 05.06.2021 - Greg Sunderman
- 05.13.2021 - Marcie Luhman
- 05.20.2021 - Erin Wiesen
- 05.27.2021 - Luisa Zavala
- 06.03.2021 - Eileen Janssen & LeAnn Johns
- 06.10.2021 - Judge Julie Smith
- 06.17.2021 - Chris Downing
- 06.24.2021 - AOCP Navigators
- 07.01.2021 - Lindsay Meyer and Tim Linsenmeyer
- 07.08.2021 - Angela Tintori
- 07.15.2021 - Sherri Gelvin
- 07.22.2021 - Douglas County Court Reporters
- 07.29.2021 - Diane Wehrman
- 08.05.2021 - Barb Pousson
- 08.12.2021 - Erin Curran
- 08.19.2021 - Janet Bancroft, Jared Callahan and Ria Carriger
- 08.26.2021 - RayLynn Coble
- 09.02.2021 - Janelle Cantu
- 09.09.2021 - Walker and Carmichael
- 09.23.2021 - Diemoz and Brown
- 10.07.2021 - NSCIT Team: Anh Nguyen, Allyson Stewart, and Shane Smith
- 10.21.2021 - Monica Rotherham and Vickie Prince
- 11.04.2021 - Kris Riekenberg
- 04.08.2022 - Tarin Chapin, Nichole Emrich, and Dominique Frease
- 04.21.2022 - Darla Simpson
- 05.05.2022 - Judge Jacobsen’s Lancaster County Team Honored
- 05.19.2022 - Judge Jacobsen’s Platte County Team Honored
- 06.02.2022 - Rob Hall
- 06.16.2022 - Royce Gonzales
- 06.30.2022 - Martin Jensen
- 07.11.2022 - LaTanya Stricklin
- 07.28.2022 - Tina Wilson
- 08.11.2022 - Rachel Peters
- 08.25.2022 - Juvenile Re-Entry Unit
- 09.09.2022 - Theresa Emmert
- 09.22.2022 - Jeanette Chun
- 10.05.2022 - Kim Fender
- 10.19.2022 - Mykaela Dishong & Jodie Roberts
- 11.04.2022 - Omaha OPG
- 1.17.2022 - Karen Sperling
- 12.01.2022 - Melissa Ireland & Jezharela Arteaga
- 12.15.2022 - Chris Reece
- 04.14.2023 - Stephanie Volkmer
- 04.27.2023 - Jonna Jasnoch & Joan Hansen
- 05.11.2023 - Therese Giglia
- 05.25.2023 - Darren Duncan
- 06.01.2023 - Judge Ryan Carson
- 06.22.2023 - Catherine Allen & Christee Haney
- 07.06.2023 - Kathy Yrkoski
- 07.20.2023 - Derek Faller
- 08.03.2023 - Laura Reynoldson & Kami Hooey
- 08.18.2023 - James Bankhead
- 08.31.2023 - Denise Winters
- 09.14.2023 - Supreme Court Language Team
- 09.28.2023 - Jan Kirk
- 10.12.2023 - Ellen Faltys & Minda McKitrick
- 10.26.2023 - Patty Lyon
- 11.09.2023 - Kim Grant & Salli Streeter
- 11.22.2023 - Lancaster County District Court Records Team: Rachael Boyd, Scott Brunsing, and Alexis McQueen
- 01.18.2024 - Angie Meyer
- 02.29.2024 - Amanda Cox
- 05.02.2024 - Richard Crall
- 05.16.2024 - Jennifer Allen
- 05.30.2024 - Allyson Stewart
- 06.13.2024 - Brook McConnaughey
- 09.19.2024 - Melanie Stormer
- 10.03.2024 - Julie Kuhl