Everyday Heroes: Maaske-Snider and Dachtler Honored

Everyday Heroes: Maaske-Snider and Dachtler Honored

Everyday Heroes: Maaske-Snider and Dachtler Honored

High praise was given to two Lexington probation officers following their intervention with a suicidal client in early November.  Local police had responded to a man threatening to jump off the top of the pedestrian bridge spanning the Madison Street railroad crossing. 

According to law enforcement, Chad and Lisa were instrumental in calming the individual down and talking him off the structure. 

Officer’s reports show that Chad was his supervising probation officer and both he and Lisa had a good working relationship with him. Following the intervention of probation, the officers were peacefully able to put the individual into emergency protective custody.  

Lisa and Chad, thank you from the police and your community for your de-escalation of a volatile situation. All involved acknowledge that there is no way to measure the importance of your efforts in relationship building allowing for the trust and confidence of your clientele.