Nebraska Judicial Disciplines
- In the Matter of Michael P. Burns, No. S-23-0469 (June 2023) - Reprimand for communication with prosecutor, delaying processing of friend’s misdemeanor citation.
- In the Matter of Lawrence E. Barrett, No. S-17-1159 (January 2018) - Reprimand for sentencing obviously impaired defendant.
- In re Complaint Against Gregory M. Schatz, No. S-13-139 (April 2014) - Reprimand for contacting jail on behalf of friend, ordering release without bond.
- In the Matter of J. Michael Coffey, JQC. No. 2012-007 and S-12-1183 (November 2013) - Dismissal Opinion and Order.
- In the Matter of J. Patrick McArdle, No. S-35-100003 (August 2010) - Reprimand for demanding public apology, threatening lawyer with ethics complaint.
- In re Complaint Against Kent E. Florom, No. S-35-090001 (July 2010) - Removal for threatening lawyers; for ex parte contact; for using judicial position on behalf of friend.
- In the Matter of Brian C. Silverman, No. S-35-100002 (June 2010) - Reprimand for discourteous treatment of litigant.
- In re Complaint Against Jeffrey L. Marcuzzo, No. S-35-080001 (August 2009) - Suspension for profanity, threat to prosecutor; for ex parte communications; for involvement in nephew’s case.
- In the Matter of J. Michael Coffey, No. S-35-060003 (September 2006) - Reprimand for allowing use of name, judicial position for charity fundraiser.
- In re Complaint Against Jack B. Lindner, No. S-35-050002 (March 2006) - Reprimand for in-court profanity, ethnic slur referring to litigant.
- In the Matter of Kent D. Turnbull, No. S-35-060001 (January 2006) - Reprimand for ex parte contact with potential expert.
- In the Matter of Gary B. Randall, No. JQC 2004-114 (February 2005) - Reprimand following DWI conviction.
- In the Matter of John E. Huber, No. S-35-050003 (August 2005) - Reprimand for temperament toward small claims litigant.
- In the Matter of Ronald E. Reagan, No. S-35-030003 (June 2003) - Reprimand for self-reported ex parte contact with Attorney General encouraging further appeal.
- In the Matter of Orville L. Coady, No. S-35-030002 (March 2003) - Reprimand for meeting ex parte with jailed defendant.
- In the Matter of Jane H. Prochaska, No. S-35-020002 (October 2002) - Reprimand for delivering spouse’s political contribution drawn on joint bank account.
- In re Complaint Against Lyn V. White, No. S-35-010002 (October, 2002) - Suspension for ex parte contact; for attempts to promote further appeal.
- In the Matter of Richard J. Spethman, No. S-35-010004 (November 2001) - Reprimand for ex parte contact with divorce litigants.
- In re Complaint Against Richard W. Krepela, No. S-35-000001 (June, 2001) - Suspension for lawyer misconduct while county attorney in altering police report, attempting to influence officer’s testimony.
- In the Matter of Jane H. Prochaska, No. JQ 00-16 (May 2001) - Reprimand for temperament in court concerning dispute with fellow judge.
- In the Matter of Stephen M. Swartz, No. S-35-000003 (September 2000) - Reprimand for history of angry temperament in court.
- In the Matter of John D. Hartigan Jr, No. S-35-00002 (May 2000) - Reprimand for using profane word in chambers toward uncooperative lawyer.
- Notice of Reprimand of Paul D. Empson (January 1999) - Reprimand
- In re Complaint Against Richard M. Jones, No. S-35-970001 (July 1998) - Removal for pattern of vulgar, threatening language in courthouse; for inappropriate “pranks”; for ex parte contact with probation defendants; also presided over marriage ceremony while suspended during discipline proceedings.
- In re Complaint Against Paul D. Empson, No. S-35-960001 (May 1997) - Suspension for inappropriate comments; for distributing religious material to jurors; for attempting to influence testimony in disciplinary proceeding.
- Notice of Reprimand of Lawrence J. Corrigan (April 1993) - Reprimand for DWI conviction.
- Notice of Reprimand of B. Bert Leffler (September 1992) - Reprimand for statement referring to “a black rioter in Los Angeles” which implied African Americans are prone to violence and lawlessness.
- Notice of Reprimand of Joseph S. Troia (September 1992) - Reprimand for publicly nominating school board candidate.
- In re Complaint Against William D. Staley, No. JQ-89-004 (July 1992) - Removal for refusing to make record; for exceeding legal authority directing juvenile into custody; for excluding counsel from proceedings; for demeaning comments.
- In re Complaint Against Orville L. Coady, No. B-35-92001 (April 1992) - Suspension, racial sensitivity course for racially derogatory remarks to litigant.
- In re Complaint Against James A. Kelly, No. JQ860003 (June 1987) - Removal for preventing normal process of son’s citation; Censure for holding public office on Airport Authority Board.
- In re Complaint Against Francis J. Kneifl, No. JQ83-001 (June 1984) - Suspension, alcohol evaluation for drunk driving, threatening officers; for inquiring of county attorney on behalf of arrested friend; for interfering in another’s case ordering PO to revoke probation; for directing clerk not to process appeal notice.
Prior to 1985: Private reprimands issued
Prior to 1981: Impeachment or retention vote