District Court Judges

District Court Judges

Addresses listed are the designated “home courts” for the judge shown. Judges have jurisdiction throughout their district to conduct court business.

District Court Presiding Judges - 2025

The presiding judge has primary responsibility for overseeing the delivery of county court services within the geographical area of the judicial district. (See Neb. Ct. R. § 6-1459. Presiding judges.)

1David J. A. Bargen
2George A. Thompson
3Lori A. Maret

Jeffrey J. Lux
(7/1/2024 – 6/30/2025)

LeAnne Srb
(7/1/2025 - 6/30/2026)

5James C. Stecker
6Bryan C. Meismer
7James G. Kube
8Mark D. Kozisek
9Patrick M. Lee
10Morgan R. Farquhar
11Michael E. Piccolo
12Travis P. O'Gorman
District: 1
County: Saline
P.O. Box 865
Wilber Nebraska 68465
Fax: (402) 821-3179
County: Gage
612 Grant Street, Room 11
Beatrice Nebraska 68310
Fax: (402) 223-1313
County: Johnson
4th & Broadway
P O Box 416
Tecumseh Nebraska 68450
Fax: (402) 274-5583
District: 2
County: Sarpy
1210 Golden Gate Dr
Papillion Nebraska 68046
Fax: (402) 593-4453
County: Sarpy
1210 Golden Gate Dr
Papillion Nebraska 68046
Fax: (402) 593-4453
County: Cass
346 Main Street, Room 303
Plattsmouth Nebraska 68048
Fax: (402) 296-9345
County: Sarpy
1210 Golden Gate Dr
Papillion Nebraska 68046
Fax: (402) 593-4453
District: 3
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
County: Lancaster
575 S 10th Street
Lincoln Nebraska 68508
Fax: (402) 441-6190
District: 4
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8152
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8151
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 444-8158
1701 Farnam St.
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: 402-444-7651
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8150
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 444-8156
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8155
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 444-8154
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 444-8163
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam St
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: 402-996-8163
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8164
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8165
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8161
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 444-4550
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8010
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8153
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8160
County: Douglas
1701 Farnam Street
Omaha Nebraska 68183
Fax: (402) 996-8162
District: 5
County: Platte
P.O. Box 1188
Columbus Nebraska 68601
Fax: (402) 562-6718
County: Hamilton
P.O. Box 201
Aurora Nebraska 68818
Fax: (402) 694-2250
County: Saunders
387 N Chestnut Suite 6
Wahoo Nebraska 68066
Fax: (402) 443-8170
County: Seward
261 S. 8th St.
Ste. 145
Seward Nebraska 68434
Fax: (402) 643-2950
District: 6
County: Washington
1555 Colfax Street
Blair Nebraska 68008
Fax: (402) 426-6821
County: Dodge
428 N Broad Street
Fremont Nebraska 68025
Fax: (402) 727-2773
County: Dakota
1601 Broadway Street
P.O. Box 566
Dakota City Nebraska 68731
Fax: (402) 987-2117
District: 7
County: Madison
P.O. Box 249
Madison Nebraska 68748
Fax: (402) 454-2680
County: Madison
P.O. Box 249
Madison Nebraska 68748
Fax: (402) 454-2680
District: 8
County: Brown
P.O. Box 225
Ainsworth Nebraska 69210
Fax: (402) 387-0918
County: Howard
P.O. Box 74
St. Paul Nebraska 68873
Fax: (308) 754-4727
District: 9
County: Hall
111 W First
Grand Island Nebraska 68801
County: Hall
111 West First
Grand Island Nebraska 68801
County: Buffalo
P.O. Box 520
Kearney Nebraska 68848
Fax: (308) 233-3693
County: Buffalo
P.O. Box 520
Kearney Nebraska 68848
Fax: (308) 233-3693
District: 10
County: Adams
500 West 4th Street, Room 200
Hastings Nebraska 68901
Fax: (402) 461-7269
County: Phelps
P.O. Box 462
Holdrege Nebraska 68949
Fax: (308) 995-2282
District: 11
County: Red Willow
502 Norris Avenue
McCook Nebraska 69001
Fax: (308) 345-7907
County: Dawson
700 N Washington
Lexington Nebraska 68850
Fax: (308) 324-8847
County: Lincoln
301 N Jeffers St
North Platte Nebraska 69101
Fax: (308) 534-1757
County: Lincoln
301 N Jeffers St
North Platte Nebraska 69101
Fax: (308) 534-1757
District: 12
County: Scotts Bluff
1725 10th Street
Gering Nebraska 69341
Fax: (308) 436-6759
County: Scotts Bluff
1725 10th Street
Gering Nebraska 69341
Fax: (308) 436-6759
County: Box Butte
515 Box Butte Avenue
Alliance Nebraska 69301
Fax: (308) 762-7703
County: Cheyenne
P.O. Box 217
Sidney Nebraska 69162
Fax: (308) 254-7832