Everyday Heroes: Raquel Dringman, Linda Smith, and Gretchen Wiebe Honored
As Covid-19 continued its steady progression across the state, eleventh Judicial District Clerk Magistrates Raquel Dringman, Furnas County; Linda Smith, Hitchcock County; and Gretchen Wiebe, Red Willow and Hayes Counties stayed at least one step ahead of the virus every step of the way. Each clerk magistrate reset courtrooms and offices to accommodate for social distancing, established new court protocols for their county courts and without request, went out of their way to help people feel safe and comfortable in the courthouse.
The team is honored for their dedication, ingenuity, and generally “out of the box” thinking.
Thank you, Gretchen, Linda, and Raquel, for all you do for the courts and for going the extra mile to make sure courts run smoothly, even during a crisis.
Click here for the follow-up Facebook response from the recipients.