Everyday Heroes: Janet Bancroft, Jared Callahan and Ria Carriger Honored

Everyday Heroes: Janet Bancroft, Jared Callahan and Ria Carriger Honored

Everyday Heroes: Janet Bancroft, Jared Callahan and Ria Carriger Honored

With the celebration of Problem-Solving Court Month, recognition of Probation Week, the production of podcasts, and execution of the Chief Justice’s Summer Tour, it’s been a busy summer around the Judicial Branch. The multitude of moving parts that go along with each of these events, are coupled with the already packed day-to-day business of the Administrative Office’s Communications Team of Janet Bancroft, Jared Callahan and Ria Carriger. Each have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure every “I” was dotted and “T” was crossed.

Janet, Jared and Ria: you help ensure that the good works of the Branch are seen and our stories are told. Thank you for your creativity and hard work!