Everyday Heroes: Clerk Magistrates Pullen, Langan, and Stuart-Monroe Honored

Everyday Heroes: Clerk Magistrates Pullen, Langan, and Stuart-Monroe Honored

Heroes award

Tech-savvy Clerk Magistrates Lisa Langan, Boone County; Shirley Stuart-Monroe, Nance County; and Beth Pullen, Merrick County; stepped up to assist their counterparts in the district court prepare for Judge Rachel Daugherty's shift to remote hearings after the coronavirus hit.

With the assistance of the clerk magistrate team, Judge Daugherty's District Court hearings have continued to run smoothly throughout the event. Judge Daugherty reports her telepresence would not have been possible without the support of the clerk magistrates.

Thank you Beth, Shirley, and Lisa for reaching outside of your office to assist Judicial Branch neighbors in need.


Click here for Beth Pullen's reflection on being named an Everyday Hero.