Access to Justice Commission

Access to Justice Commission

Origin/Authorization: March 22, 2017, Supreme Court Minutes.

Terms: Four-year terms.

VISION. The vision of the Nebraska Access to Justice Commission is to achieve 100 percent access to justice for all.

MISSION. The mission of the Access to Justice Commission is to identify barriers to equal access in Nebraska and to recommend and coordinate effective solutions so that all court users have equal access to swift, fair justice.

Operating Rules of the Nebraska Access to Justice Commission

Access to Justice Commission Programs & Services Webpage

NameRepresentationAppointment DateTerm Expires

Justice Stephanie Stacy, Co-Chair

Reappointed 5-19-21

Nebraska Supreme Court Justice05/17/201705/19/2025

Elizabeth Neeley, Co-Chair

Reappointed 5-17-23

Nebraska State Bar Association Executive Director05/17/201705/17/2027

Judge Frankie Moore

Reappointed 5-19-21

Nebraska Court of Appeals Judge05/17/201705/19/2025

Judge Stefanie Martinez

Reappointed 5-17-23

District Court Judge, 2nd Judicial District06/12/201905/17/2027

Judge Andrea D. Miller

Reappointed 11-20-24

District Court Judge, 4th Judicial District1/13/20215/31/2027
Judge Anne PaineCounty Court Judge, 11th Judicial District12/13/202305/19/2025
Judge Amy SchuchmanJuvenile Court Judge, Separate Juvenile Court of Douglas County11/20/202405/17/2027
Judge Patrick R. RungeTribal Judge, Ponca and Winnebago Tribal Courts1/13/20211/13/2024
Mike HilgersAttorney General05/17/202305/19/2025
Kristi EggerPublic Defender, Lancaster County05/17/202305/17/2027

Kenny Jacobs

Reappointed 5-17-23

Attorney , Omaha05/17/201705/17/2027
Kenneth WentzAttorney, Omaha05/19/202105/19/2025

Senator Justin Wayne

Reappointed 5-19-21

State Senator, District 1305/17/201705/19/2025

Paul McGreal

Reappointed 5-19-21

Creighton University School of Law05/17/201705/19/2025

Prof. Stefanie Pearlman

Reappointed 5-19-21

Professor, Schmid Law Library/Nebraska College of Law05/17/201705/19/2025

Prof. Kevin Ruser

Reappointed 5-17-23

University of Nebraska College of Law Professor05/17/201705/17/2027

Tania Diaz

Reappointed 5-17-23

Legal Services Director, Disability Rights05/17/201705/17/2027
Laurel Heer DaleExecutive Director, Legal Aid of Nebraska05/01/202305/01/2025

Casey Karges

Reappointed 5-17-23

Mediation Center, Lincoln4/7/20215/17/2027

Jose J. Soto

Reappointed 5-17-23

Community Representative05/17/201705/17/2027
Tina DeVoeDistrict Court Clerk, 11th Judicial District05/19/202105/19/2025
Lindsay MeisterClerk Magistrate, 5th Judicial District11/20/202405/17/2027

Corey Steel

Reappointed 5-19-21

State Court Administrator, Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation05/17/201705/19/2025
Gene CotterProbation Administrator, Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation02/01/202505/19/2025

Kathleen Valle

Reappointed 12-13-23

Language Access Program Director, Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation1/1/202312/31/2027

Kelly Varguez

Reappointed 5-17-23

Court Interpreter Representative, Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation05/17/201705/17/2027
Leah CechStaff12/13/202312/31/2027