Five Submit their Names for Court of Appeals Judge in the Fourth Judicial District

Five Submit their Names for Court of Appeals Judge in the Fourth Judicial District

LINCOLN – PaTricia A. Freeman, Papillion; Daniel R. Fridrich, Omaha; Kristen D. Mickey, Scottsbluff; Patrick R. Runge, Omaha; and George A. Thompson, Papillion, have submitted applications for appointment as Court of Appeals Judge in the Fourth Judicial District consisting of portions of Douglas and Sarpy counties. The vacancy is due to Judge David K. Arterburn’s retirement.     

The public hearing of the Judicial Nominating Commission will be held at the Sarpy County Courthouse, County Boardroom, 1210 Golden Gate Drive, Papillion, Nebraska, beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 20, 2025. The Commission will interview all applicants for the office at that time. The public may also view the public hearing via livestream from the County Boardroom, beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the following link: If there are technical difficulties with the livestream of the public hearing, the livestream may be interrupted or discontinued, but the in-person public hearing will continue uninterrupted. No public participation will be permitted by livestream.

Any member of the public wishing to present his or her views concerning any candidate for the judicial vacancy may do so by:

  1. Written public testimony, signed and clearly labeled as such, should be mailed to the Commission Chair no later than March 13, 2025, at the following address: Justice John R. Freudenberg, Nebraska Supreme Court, PO Box 98910, Lincoln, NE 68509 or emailed to All written public testimony received by the deadline will be marked as an exhibit, received at the hearing, and made available to the public.
  2. Oral public testimony may be presented in person during the public hearing in the County Boardroom of the Sarpy County Courthouse, Papillion, Nebraska.

Additional written information, including letters of recommendation, may be submitted to the commission at any time prior to its selection of qualified candidates to fill the vacancy, which may occur immediately after the public hearing. Such information should be mailed to the commission chair or emailed to and all such information shall be deemed confidential communications to the commission.

A listing of the members of the Judicial Nominating Commission can be found on the Nebraska Judicial Branch Web site at

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