Robert F. Kennedy National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice Releases Report for Lancaster County Juvenile Probation

Robert F. Kennedy National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice Releases Report for Lancaster County Juvenile Probation


In a continuing effort to evaluate progress and needed next steps towards full implementation of Nebraska’s Juvenile Justice Reform Initiative, State Probation Administration recently undertook a comprehensive review of Lancaster County’s juvenile probation system.

The review, completed by the Robert F. Kennedy National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice, focused primarily on the probation work being completed in Lancaster County. However, the report and its findings benefit Nebraska on a statewide level though recommendations focused on enhancing performance based on national best practice standards which are established to improve youth and family outcomes for those involved in the probation system.

Jeanne Brandner, Deputy State Probation Administrator noted, “Probation continually seeks to improve supervision and services for youth and families in the juvenile justice system both locally and statewide by embracing the strategies of national research, evidence-base practices and adolescent development.”

Juvenile probation and juvenile justice stakeholders in Lancaster County participated in the comprehensive review of juvenile probation. National consultant experts, John A. Tuell and Kari L. Harp, completed the Probation System Review and recently released the final recommendations.  Additionally, the expertise of the National Juvenile Defender Center provided recommendations focusing on enhancing and strengthening juvenile probation orders that target individual youth strengths, goals and needs. 

“In summation, Lancaster County Juvenile Probation and its partners are actively implementing a set of practices throughout the juvenile justice system that align with best practices. Their commitment and dedication to the challenges of doing so effectively are commendable,” Executive Summary, Lancaster County, NE Juvenile Probation System Review.

Nebraska was specifically selected as one of three states to receive a grant from the State Justice Institute to receive this notable review. 

“By undertaking this review and implementing the resulting recommendations, Lancaster County Juvenile Probation will not only be providing the best possible services to youth, but will set themselves apart as national leaders in the field,” Executive Summary, Lancaster County, NE Juvenile Probation System Review.

The executive summary and full report are now available: 

Lancaster County Executive Summary April 2018  

Lancaster County Probation System Review Report April 2018 

Photos:  John Tuell, Kari Harp and Probation local and administrative staff and stakeholders joined together to release the final RFK Probation System Review for Lancaster County, Nebraska.