AOCP Programs and Services Division, Rehabilitative Services Upcoming Presentation at the American Probation and Parole (APPA) Virtual Training Institute

AOCP Programs and Services Division, Rehabilitative Services Upcoming Presentation at the American Probation and Parole (APPA) Virtual Training Institute

Representatives from the Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation, Rehabilitative Services Division,  Melissa Koch, (Juvenile Behavioral Health Specialist, top photo) and Michelle Nunemaker, (Programs and Services Officer, bottom photo), were selected to present modules at the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) 45th Annual Conference, Value and Vision: A Virtual Training Experience. Initially the training institute was scheduled for the last week in August; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the training institute will be taking place virtually.  

The modules that will be presented are titled, Keeping Your Super Hero Super (Self-Care When Working in Justice) and Bouncing Back Before You Burnout – Nebraska Probation’s Peer Support Team. Brief descriptions of the modules are outlined below.

Keeping Your Super Hero Super (Self-Care When Working in Justice) - Probation and parole staff are exposed at every level of the justice system to clients who present many complex challenges and difficulties, so it is not surprising that they experience high stress. Workshop participants will learn how compassion fatigue--a combination of burnout and secondary trauma--can significantly decrease effectiveness at work and in life. Resiliency is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress, such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors. It means "bouncing back" from difficult experiences. Probation leaders are key to recognizing burnout and implementing supports, strategies, and techniques in self-care to increase resilience. This module will be presented “live” during the training institute.    

Bouncing Back Before You Burnout – Nebraska Probation’s Peer Support Team - A previous winner of the APPA President’s Award, Nebraska’s Statewide Peer Support Team has been assisting probation staff since 2015. Research indicates that work-related stress has the potential to jeopardize work performance, safety, health, and relationships. Peer support services were created to help individuals cope with stress, crisis, and emotional trauma from a team of trusted peers. The mission of the Peer Support Team is to provide education, leadership, training, consultation, resources, and referrals to lessen the impact of a critical incident and to support ongoing wellness and resiliency. Nebraska Probation’s Peer Support Team module will be recorded for future viewing.

For more information the link to the APPA virtual training institute is:

Welcome to New Peer Support Team Members 
The Administrative Office of Courts and Probation is proud to announce four additional members of the Peer Support Team. We would like to introduce Michelle Nunemaker (Administration), Brandi Klaassen (District 1), Jordan Bedient (District 3A), and Samantha Besemer (District 5). Peer Support now has 19 members. Efforts are underway to introduce Peer Support to court employees and fulfill our goal to provide peer support and expand resources to all employees of the Judicial Branch.  The mission for members of the Peer Support team is to provide assistance to Judicial Branch staff to support ongoing wellness and resiliency. For more information on Peer Support, please visit the Peer Support page at the following link: