Chief Justice Summer Tour Held Mid-August

Chief Justice Summer Tour Held Mid-August

Chief Justice Summer Tour Held Mid-August

The 2024 Chief Justice’s Summer Tour will take the Chief, select judges and justices, and key court staff to the southeastern portion of the state from August 12-15.

The Richardson County Courthouse will be the first stop for the travel group. From Falls City, the Chief will continue to the Nemaha County Courthouse and the Johnson County Courthouse before returning to Lincoln for the evening.

Tuesday’s travel starts at the Saline County Courthouse for a demonstration of the newly installed assistive listening system, followed by a stop at the Gage County Courthouse celebrating their new THRIVE program. The day will end with an NSBA lawyer reception late afternoon in Beatrice. Wednesday’s agenda begins at the Fillmore County Courthouse followed by an NSBA lawyer luncheon in York. The day ends with a visit to the Seward County Courthouse.

Lincoln judges, court staff, and probation will host the Chief Justice for an extended visit on Thursday, concluding the 2024 tour.

Each summer, the Chief Justice devotes several days to traveling outside the Lincoln area to meet with judges, court and probation staff, and to observe local programs and services.