Court of Appeals Welcomes KLOP Students for Insightful Legal Education Session

Court of Appeals Welcomes KLOP Students for Insightful Legal Education Session

Court of Appeals Welcomes KLOP Students for Insightful Legal Education Session

The Court of Appeals' November Kearney panel with Judges Frankie Moore, Mike Pirtle, and David Arterburn, extended a personal invitation to Charles Rowling, Director of the Kearney Law Opportunities Program (KLOP), to bring his pre-law students to the court's argument sessions held mid-month at the Buffalo County courthouse.

KLOP, a collaborative initiative between the University of Nebraska at Kearney and the University of Nebraska College of Law, is designed to recruit high school students from rural Nebraska and prepare them to eventually return and practice law in rural areas of the state.

This session marks the second outreach to KLOP students, during which the judges allocate time after arguments to meet the students and address their questions. This program mirrors the more formal "College Campus Initiative" held annually in conjunction with Constitution Day.

Courthouses and government offices across the state open their doors to traveling sessions of the Court of Appeals. Kearney's session was conducted in the Board of Commissioners Room at the courthouse.

While the Court of Appeals' primary courtroom is located in the State Capitol in Lincoln, the Court occasionally travels outside the capital city to hear appeals. This practice is implemented for the convenience of lawyers and parties involved in cases being heard, and it aims to enhance public access to and awareness of the appellate court process.

Pictured: Judge Frankie Moore (center), Chief Judge Mike Pirtle (center right), and Judge David Arterburn (center left) with UNK pre-law students and instructor.