Courtroom Ceiling Collapse Adds Complications in Fairbury
During the middle of the afternoon on an ordinary Tuesday, the courtroom in the Jefferson County Courthouse would have had a number of attorneys and court staff coming and going to various hearings and court sessions. The courtroom serves both Jefferson County District and County Courts. Luckily, on Tuesday, May 26, the courtroom was empty. At approximately 2:15 p.m. Jefferson County Sheriff’s Deputy John Davis was in the courthouse and heard something he thought sounded like thunder. The sound came from the courtroom, where the ceiling had fallen onto counsel tables.
In addition to COVID planning, Jefferson County court staff and judges are now planning around a courthouse catastrophe that requires a temporary relocation of the courtroom.
Court initially moved to the Jefferson County Law Enforcement Center in Fairbury, but later relocated to the old courtroom in the courthouse, which is currently occupied by the county commissioners.
Read the account in the Fairbury Journal-News: Court is Adjourned, Courtroom Ceiling Collapses
Photos: Middle: Judge Linda Bauer, Clerk Magistrate Tammie Duensing (at bench) with reporter from the Fairbury Journal news, the County Attorney, and county jailer at makeshift courtroom in the Law Enforcement Center.
Bottom: Judge Bauer in the old county courtroom, turned Commissioner's room, turned back to temporary courtroom.