Employee of the Year, 2021

Employee of the Year, 2021

Employee of the Year, 2021

Awarded to: Dean Rohwer, Problem-Solving Court Coordinator, District 3

The Employee of the Year recognition is based on performance, professionalism, loyalty, and other accomplishments that exemplify the values and professional standards of the Judicial Branch. The Employee of the Year is a reliable, determined, and results-oriented individual who consistently exceeds their daily work expectations.

Dean Rohwer is a dedicated Judicial Branch employee and mentor to new and future probation officers. Rohwer represents probation professionals through speaking engagements to college students designed to encourage probation and problem-solving courts careers. He has gone the extra mile in identifying needs for both the Lancaster County Veteran’s Treatment Court and Lancaster County’s new DUI Court, including seeking and receiving grants to ensure that these courts can provide needed services. He takes on the dual role of Drug Court Coordinator / Drug Court Probation Officer when his assigned officer is away serving with the National Guard. Dean has made his district, problem-solving courts, and the state system stronger because of his leadership in proactively seeking solutions to system challenges.