Judges’ Conferences Held Online

Judges’ Conferences Held Online

Judges gathered online this year to attend the District Judges Summer Conference (June 3-5), the County Court Judges Summer Conference (June 24-26), and the Appellate Education Day (July 24). Video conferencing technologies allowed guest speakers to display slideshows and share files while attendees participated via webcams, microphones, and chat messaging.

Among the many impactful presentations were LGBTQ Individuals in the Courts delivered by Rachal Pender of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and The Current State of the Coronavirus Pandemic in Nebraska and Elsewhere by Dr. Christopher Kratochvil from the UNMC Biocontainment Unit. All presentations were recorded and can be viewed for credit on the Supreme Court’s Intranet webpage titled Judge JBE Info. Request the password to access the recordings and resources by e-mailing melissa.ireland@nebraska.gov.