Judicial Electronic Exhibit System Initially Piloted in Omaha, Expands

Judicial Electronic Exhibit System Initially Piloted in Omaha, Expands

The Nebraska Judicial Electronic Exhibit System (NJEES) application moved into the pilot stage in September.  The first court to pilot the application was Judge Stephanie Hansen’s courtroom in Douglas County Court on September 24, 2024.  The pilot was a success.  Hansen stated, “I think it went smoothly, especially considering it was the maiden voyage.  The feedback from the attorneys after the trial was positive. NJEES is great product that can accomplish two purposes – evidence presentation and evidence retention.”

The second pilot occurred on October 18 in Judge Geoffrey Hall’s court in Dodge District Court.  Official Court Reporter Lori Blume said, “I think it went great, and even though we needed to go slow, it was super easy.  Judge Hall was very happy with the way it went.”

The application will be piloted throughout the remainder of the year.

Judges who would like to pilot NJEES in their courtroom should email Amy Prenda at amy.prenda@nejudicial.gov


(Top) Judge Geoffrey Hall’s court in Dodge County District Court utilizing the electronic exhibit system. (Bottom) Judge Stephanie Hansen’s courtroom, Douglas County Court, piloting the Court’s new exhibit system.