McCook Upstream One Year Later
Judge Paine, a county court judge in District 11, reconvened the 2024 McCook Upstream Mapping participants on January 10, 2025. The chairs of the three priority areas that were decided on in 2024 gave the following updates:
Elementary Age Multidisciplinary Team: The group made improvements to the 1184 team meetings to make them more productive. The new referral forms have been a key part of the success. It was also noted that the PIWI class is up and running, and they currently have five trained facilitators. There is funding for a spring class and hopefully a fall class as well. It was agreed by all in attendance that this group should continue.
Parent Engagement & Mentoring: The parents support group started out strong but recently attendance has gone down to zero. Caitlin, the chair, believes it is still a viable project, but they need more people to help and a different process to put it together. It was agreed by all in attendance that this group should continue. This priority area will also incorporate the Come to the Table project started by the Through the Eyes of the Child team several years ago, with events to begin in the fall.
Supporting Families While Kids Out of Home: This group met several times, but they quickly realized this type of thing requires a great deal of funding. It was agreed that this project would not continue at this time.
New resources that have started in the community in the last year were discussed and mapped by the group. The participants once again had an opportunity to vote on their priorities. It was decided that the Elementary Age Multidisciplinary Team group and the Parent Engagement & Mentoring group would continue and that two new initiatives would be added. The new priorities the group decided on are 1. Developing a flow chart/resource sheet housed in google documents that will be assessable to all and 2. A youth center, contingent on an OJJDP grant. Members of the new teams had a chance to meet and strategize plans to move forward. The now four priority areas/teams will continue to be a part of the Through the Eyes Team lead by Judge Paine.