Myndee Hagan Sworn-in as County Court Clerk Magistrate for Dawson and Gosper Counties

Myndee Hagan Sworn-in as County Court Clerk Magistrate for Dawson and Gosper Counties

Myndee Hagan Sworn-in as County Court Clerk Magistrate for Dawson and Gosper Counties

A swearing-in ceremony for Myndee Hagan as Clerk Magistrate of Dawson and Gosper Counties was held May 22, 2018, in the Dawson County Courthouse in Lexington, Nebraska. Judge Jeffrey Wightman presided over the ceremony.

Hagan began working with the county court system in 2016 as a records clerk for Gosper County Court. The majority of her professional career has been spent in the County and Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Courts. 

Photo: Myndee Hagan is assisted with her robe by her husband, children and parents.