Nancy Deklotz, Clerk Magistrate of the Richardson County Court, to Retire September 11
Richardson County Court Clerk Magistrate Nancy Deklotz, Falls City, submitted her notice of retirement effective September 11, 2020. Deklotz has just over 45 years of service with the Judicial Branch.
Judge Curtis Maschman reflected on Nancy’s tenure with the court:
In the middle of the Watergate investigation in D.C., and as Bill Gates was forming Microsoft with his partner, Nancy DeKlotz started her duties in the Richardson County court. She quickly “learned the system” from Judge Albert Maust, who had been on the bench for 28 years (and would go on to serve 42 years), and from some learned “old school” clerk magistrates. Little did she know that she would continue to serve the Richardson County Court for 45 years; longer than any other Richardson County Court official. Even longer than her mentor Judge Maust. Nancy took the clerk magistrate reins in 2010 but has been the source of institutional knowledge for the courts for many additional years. Such knowledge will be greatly missed as she starts her well-earned retirement September 11, 2020.
Immediately prior to the retirement of Deklotz, a Clerk Magistrate or Interim Clerk Magistrate will be designated for the court.