New Supreme Court Rules for Guardianships and Conservatorships Effective April 1, 2020

New Supreme Court Rules for Guardianships and Conservatorships Effective April 1, 2020

Rules and Forms for guardianships and conservatorships in Nebraska will change effective April 1. 

A summary of the changes was provided to judges and clerk magistrates on February 19, 2020. Click here to read the full memo.

Rule amendments are located on the website:

A webinar on the changes will be available for staff mid-March.  In addition, required education for staff who work with guardian and conservator cases has been updated and will be provided in several locations across the state, beginning March 20th in Lincoln.  Court staff who work with guardianships and conservatorships and have not previously attended and those who would like more in-depth education and an opportunity to discuss guardianship and conservatorship processes are encouraged to check the JBE calendar for dates and locations. 

Annual reporting packets specifically for guardians of minors have also been created.  In order to implement these new reporting requirements,  a JUSTICE query will be run to identify every court’s guardian and combined guardian/conservator cases of minors.  The Courts will receive this report mid-march.  Staff will use the findings to manually change COMACTS for those cases to allow 45 day notices to request the correct reporting packets.

Beginning April 1, staff will mail a cover letter explaining the changes with the 45 day notices sent to guardians, as well as an Interested Person Update form.  The cover letter will be provided to the courts in March. 

A special thanks to Judge Holly Parsley, Judge Todd Hutton, Judge Sheryl Lohaus, and Forms Coordinator Christina Werner for their countless hours of work on rule and form changes.