Revamped Parenting Act Information Brochure

Revamped Parenting Act Information Brochure

Revamped Parenting Act Information Brochure

When parents are involved in a court proceeding in which parenting functions are at issue, they receive the Parenting Act Information Brochure from the Clerk of the District Court. The brochure outlines the legal process and timeline, healthy parenting approaches, parenting plans, the mediation process, finding a mediator, and additional resources. At the same time, parents are informed of their right to develop and agree to a parenting plan, and if they are unable to do so, the court will create a parenting plan for them. Parents are also informed they will be required to attend a basic level parenting education course.

The purpose of the brochure is to provide parents with required and valuable information. To help parents understand the information, the brochure was revised using plain language that involves using shorter sentences. The design was also changed to include clear, descriptive headings and increase the amount of white space on the pages to make the information easier to understand and remember. Another goal of the revision was to increase accessibility to information and resources. Throughout the brochure, QR codes can be scanned using the camera of a smartphone, allowing the reader to be taken directly to the referenced webpage.  

Within the next few weeks, the revised Parenting Act Information Brochure will be distributed to all District Courts.

Read the full brochure: