Successful Donation Drive Organized by Douglas County Adult Drug Court

Successful Donation Drive Organized by Douglas County Adult Drug Court

Successful Donation Drive Organized by Douglas County Adult Drug Court

The Douglas County Adult Drug Court organized a Donation Drive in honor of Problem-Solving Court Month. Donation boxes were placed in the Omaha Probation offices to collect supplies for Table Grace Ministries, a local non-profit organization.

Table Grace Ministries operates with a unique “pay what you can” model in their care, helping individuals in need. In addition to offering a range of community fellowship programs, they have established a ten-day job training program and more. The organization’s mission is to cultivate a thriving community by serving excellent food with dignity and fostering opportunities for personal and spiritual transformation through hospitality, music, and fellowship.

All donations were collected and delivered to Table Grace Ministries. The act of contributing to this noble cause not only demonstrated the unwavering commitment of the Douglas County Adult Drug Court but also showcased the community’s support for such initiatives.

The Douglas County Adult Drug Court expresses its heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in the Donation Drive, as well as to Table Grace Ministries for their remarkable work in helping those in need.

Pictured is the group of volunteers who helped deliver supplies to Table Grace Ministries.