Summer Tour Sites Ready for Visit

Summer Tour Sites Ready for Visit

The 2024 Chief Justice’s Summer Tour promises to be a busy and engaging week for the courts and probation offices in the southeastern portion of the state. Here's a summary of the planned activities for the week:

On Monday, the tour will kick off in Falls City, Auburn, and Tecumseh. The Chief’s travel group will be hosted in these locations, where judges will discuss problem-solving courts in county courts, demonstrate a virtual connection to the correctional facility, and tour court offices.

Tuesday's events will begin with a meeting at Doane University in Crete, followed by a demonstration and celebration of the court-installed hearing system in the county court in Wilber. The day will continue with a visit to the Resolution Center (mediation) in Beatrice and a ribbon-cutting ceremony with area Court Appointed Special Advocates for the THRIVE program at the courthouse in Beatrice. The day will conclude with an NSBA lawyer reception in Beatrice late in the afternoon.

On Wednesday, the tour will start in Fillmore County with a discussion on the ‘Eyes of the Child Team’ programming. This will be followed by the NSBA lawyer luncheon in York. The day will end with visits to the York County courthouse and the Seward County Courthouse, where there will be discussions on mentoring and probation’s RISE program through AmeriCorps.

The tour will conclude on Thursday with a full day visit to the Lancaster County courthouse, where judges, court staff, and probation offices will host the Chief Justice for office tours and program discussions.

The summer tour provides a great opportunity to showcase new initiatives, celebrate achievements, and foster collaboration among various stakeholders in the legal and judicial communities.