Swearing-In Ceremony for Godemann Held in Richardson County Court

Swearing-In Ceremony for Godemann Held in Richardson County Court

Bethany Godemann, Clerk Magistrate for the Richardson County Court in the 1st Judicial District, was formally sworn in on September 15, 2023, at a ceremony hosted by County Judge Richard Smith.

Godemann works in the 1st Judicial District with fellow clerk magistrates Sherri Ullman of Beatrice; LaRita Weber of Tecumseh and Pawnee City; Mandy Klipp of Fairbury; Cassondra Buethe of Auburn; Angela Holtmeier of Hebron and Joshua McDougall of Wilber.

Judges Richard Smith, Jeffrey Gaertig, and Linda Bauer preside over the courts and direct the magistrates in District 1 which includes Gage, Jefferson, Johnson, Nemaha, Pawnee, Richardson, Saline, and Thayer Counties. 

Photo: L-R Judge Smith, Bethany Godemann, and State Court Administrator Corey Steel.