Threats for Grand Jury Fines, Court Notification and Collection Scams Continue through Email and Phone

Threats for Grand Jury Fines, Court Notification and Collection Scams Continue through Email and Phone

Threats for Grand Jury Fines, Court Notification and Collection Scams Continue through Email and Phone

A new scam has surfaced in Scottsbluff threatening fines for missing a non-existent grand jury summons.

In response to the ever-changing number of court collection scams being perpetrated against the public, the Attorney General’s Consumer Fraud Division has offered the following guidelines for Clerks who find themselves in the position of answering callers who have received erroneous calls: 

  • Remind the consumer to never give out any personal or credit card/banking information over the telephone.
  • Have the consumer contact the Nebraska Attorney General’s Office, Consumer Protection Division at (800) 727-6432 to report the scam.
  • If the consumer has already paid the scammer, they may dispute the charges with their Credit Card Company or bank.
  • If the scammer continues to call the consumer, they may wish to ignore the calls or block the number with their service provider.

Clerks should feel free to transfer all consumers directly to the Attorney General's call center (402-471-2682) where callers will be able to speak directly with trained mediators who are available to answer questions and provide additional consumer protection tips.