Attorney Sanctions

Attorney Sanctions

Public Orders Imposed Against Nebraska Attorneys

These are public orders imposed against Nebraska attorneys starting on January 1, 1986. As are all PDF documents, you will need the free-to-download Adobe Reader to view them. These are for viewing only, and we guarantee no warranty on them.

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Name Month/Year Opinion Number Case Number
Reiner, Kevin L. S-98-1349
Hogan, Kelly M. S-98-1228
Krause, Joseph L. S-98-1378
Koseluk, Alexander F. S-98-1196
Wagstaffe, John W. III S-98-1107
Steichen, John P. 255 Neb. 316 S-98-710
Dillon, Spencer W. 255 Neb. 85
Dolan, Gary L. 255 Neb. 44
Carney, Vincent L. 254 Neb. 875
Schleich, Stephen C. 254 Neb. 872
Valgora, Charles R. 254 Neb. 267
Ebersold, Forrest E. 253 Neb. 19
Mahlin, Cynthia S. 252 Neb. 985
Sather, Larry D. S-97-0446
Jaksich, Charles B. 252 Neb. 711
Mellor, Gary D. 252 Neb. 710
Sather, Larry D. S-97-446
Scott, Richard E. 252 Neb. 749
Scott, Richard E. 252 Neb. 698
Watkins, Brian R. 252 Neb. 588
Malcom, Terrance D. 252 Neb. 263 S-96-489
Bertagnolli, James S. 252 Neb. 83
Bruckner, Richard J. S-94-628
Zakrzewski, Thomas R. 252 Neb. 40
Brown, Fred H. 251 Neb. 815
Caskey, Charles L. 251 Neb. 882 S-96-0500
Schatz, Kenneth M. S-97-172
Johnston, Miles W. Jr. 251 Neb. 468
Barnett, J. Mark 251 Neb. 317
Van, Vester L. 251 Neb. 196
Green, Steven B. 251 Neb. 112 S-96-794
Jacobs, Kent F. 251 Neb. 115
Gregory, J. David 251 Neb. 41
Mellor, Gary D. S-96-1290
Ramacciotte, Frank P. 250 Neb. 893
Carper, Michael D. S-93-0930
Schmeling, Richard L. S-94-0485
Dolan, Gary L. S-96-716
Gridley, Robert L. 249 Neb. 804
Johnson, Rex Tay 249 Neb. 563
Bruckner, Richard J. 249 Neb. 361
Calinger, Walter M. 248 Neb. 903
Woodard, Lincoln J. 249 Neb. 40
Ogborn, Michael J. 248 Neb. 767
Barnett, J. Mark 248 Neb. 601
Guyerson, Michael J. 248 Neb. 516
Van, Vester L. S-95-154
Craven, Patrick J. 248 Neb. 201 S-95-514
Peartree, Patrick J. 248 Neb. 49
Stansel, Richard D. 248 Neb. 63